Convergence rates for forward-backward dynamical systems associated with strongly monotone inclusions

We investigate the convergence rates of the trajectories generated by implicit first and second order dynamical systems associated to the determination of the zeros of the sum of a maximally monotone operator and a monotone and Lipschitz continuous one in a real Hilbert space. We show that these trajectories strongly converge with exponential rate to … Read more

An extension of the projected gradient method to a Banach space setting with application in structural topology optimization

For the minimization of a nonlinear cost functional under convex constraints the relaxed projected gradient process is a well known method. The analysis is classically performed in a Hilbert space. We generalize this method to functionals which are differentiable in a Banach space. The search direction is calculated by a quadratic approximation of the cost … Read more

Second order forward-backward dynamical systems for monotone inclusion problems

We begin by considering second order dynamical systems of the from $\ddot x(t) + \Gamma (\dot x(t)) + \lambda(t)B(x(t))=0$, where $\Gamma: {\cal H}\rightarrow{\cal H}$ is an elliptic bounded self-adjoint linear operator defined on a real Hilbert space ${\cal H}$, $B: {\cal H}\rightarrow{\cal H}$ is a cocoercive operator and $\lambda:[0,+\infty)\rightarrow [0,+\infty)$ is a relaxation function depending … Read more

On an Extension of One-Shots Methods to Incorporate Additional Constraints

For design optimization tasks, quite often a so-called one-shot approach is used. It augments the solution of the state equation with a suitable adjoint solver yielding approximate reduced derivatives that can be used in an optimization iteration to change the design. The coordination of these three iterative processes is well established when only the state … Read more

Error estimates for the Euler discretization of an optimal control problem with first-order state constraints

We study the error introduced in the solution of an optimal control problem with first order state constraints, for which the trajectories are approximated with a classical Euler scheme. We obtain order one approximation results in the $L^\infty$ norm (as opposed to the order 2/3 obtained in the literature). We assume either a strong second … Read more

Second order analysis of state-constrained control-affine problems

In this article we establish new second order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for a class of control-affine problems with a scalar control and a scalar state constraint. These optimality conditions extend to the constrained state framework the Goh transform, which is the classical tool for obtaining an extension of the Legendre condition. We propose … Read more

High Detail Stationary Optimization Models for Gas Networks: Validation and Results

Due to strict regulatory rules in combination with complex nonlinear physics, major gas network operators in Germany and Europe face hard planning problems that call for optimization. In part 1 of this paper we have developed a suitable model hierarchy for that purpose. Here we consider the more practical aspects of modeling. We validate individual … Read more

Preconditioning of Active-Set Newton Methods for PDE-constrained Optimal Control Problems

We address the problem of preconditioning a sequence of saddle point linear systems arising in the solution of PDE-constrained optimal control problems via active-set Newton methods, with control and (regularized) state constraints. We present two new preconditioners based on a full block matrix factorization of the Schur complement of the Jacobian matrices, where the active-set … Read more

Optimization of running strategies based on anaerobic energy and variations of velocity

We present new models, numerical simulations and rigorous analysis for the optimization of the velocity in a race. In a seminal paper, Keller (1973,1974) explained how a runner should determine his speed in order to run a given distance in the shortest time. We extend this analysis, based on the equation of motion and aerobic … Read more

Second-order necessary conditions in Pontryagin form for optimal control problems

In this report, we state and prove first- and second-order necessary conditions in Pontryagin form for optimal control problems with pure state and mixed control-state constraints. We say that a Lagrange multiplier of an optimal control problem is a Pontryagin multiplier if it is such that Pontryagin’s minimum principle holds, and we call optimality conditions … Read more