A Decision Space Algorithm for Multiobjective Convex Quadratic Integer Optimization

We present a branch-and-bound algorithm for minimizing multiple convex quadratic objective functions over integer variables. Our method looks for efficient points by fixing subsets of variables to integer values and by using lower bounds in the form of hyperplanes in the image space derived from the continuous relaxations of the restricted objective functions. We show … Read more

The use of multi-criteria decision-making methods in project portfolio selection: a literature review and future research directions

In most project portfolio selection (PPS) situations, the presence of multiple attributes and decision-maker preference is inevitable. As Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods provide a framework well-suited to deal with these challenges in PPS problems, the use of MCDA methods in real-life PPS problems has increased in recent years. This paper provides a comprehensive literature … Read more

DMulti-MADS: Mesh adaptive direct multisearch for blackbox multiobjective optimization

The context of this research is multiobjective optimization where conflicting objectives are present. In this work, these objectives are only available as the outputs of a blackbox for which no derivative information is available. This work proposes a new extension of the mesh adaptive direct search (MADS) algorithm to constrained multiobjective derivative-free optimization. This method … Read more

Conditional gradient method for multiobjective optimization

We analyze the conditional gradient method, also known as Frank-Wolfe method, for constrained multiobjective optimization. The constraint set is assumed to be convex and compact, and the objectives functions are assumed to be continuously differentiable. The method is considered with different strategies for obtaining the step sizes. Asymptotic convergence properties and iteration-complexity bounds with and … Read more

An inexact scalarized proximal algorithm with quasi- distance for convex and quasiconvex multi-objective minimization

In the paper of Rocha et al., J Optim Theory Appl (2016) 171:964979, the authors introduced a proximal point algorithm with quasi-distances to solve unconstrained convex multi-objective minimization problems. They proved that all accumulation points are ecient solutions of the problem. In this pa- per we analyze an inexact proximal point algorithm to solve convex … Read more

The Magic of Nash Social Welfare in Optimization: Do Not Sum, Just Multiply!

In this paper, we explain some key challenges when dealing with a single/multi-objective optimization problem in practice. To overcome these challenges, we present a mathematical program that optimizes a Nash Social Welfare function. We refer to this mathematical program as the Nash Social Welfare Program (NSWP). An interesting property of the NSWP is that it … Read more

Nonconvex Constrained Optimization by a Filtering Branch and Bound

A major difficulty in optimization with nonconvex constraints is to find feasible solutions. As simple examples show, the alphaBB-algorithm for single-objective optimization may fail to compute feasible solutions even though this algorithm is a popular method in global optimization. In this work, we introduce a filtering approach motivated by a multiobjective reformulation of the constrained … Read more

The Fermat Rule for Set Optimization Problems with Lipschitzian Set-Valued Mappings

n this paper, we consider set optimization problems with respect to the set approach. Specifically, we deal with the lower less and the upper less set relations. First, we derive properties of convexity and Lipschitzianity of suitable scalarizing functionals, under the same assumption on the set-valued objective mapping. We then obtain upper estimates of the … Read more

Proximity measures based on KKT points for constrained multi-objective optimization

An important aspect of optimization algorithms, for instance evolutionary algorithms, are termination criteria that measure the proximity of the found solution to the optimal solution set. A frequently used approach is the numerical verification of necessary optimality conditions such as the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. In this paper, we present a proximity measure which characterizes the … Read more

Expensive multi-objective optimization of electromagnetic mixing in a liquid metal

This paper presents a novel trust-region method for the optimization of multiple expensive functions. We apply this method to a biobjective optimization problem in fluid mechanics, the optimal mixing of particles in a flow in a closed container. The three-dimensional time-dependent flows are driven by Lorentz forces that are generated by an oscillating permanent magnet … Read more