Approximation of Minimal Functions by Extreme Functions

In a recent paper, Basu, Hildebrand, and Molinaro established that the set of continuous minimal functions for the 1-dimensional Gomory-Johnson infinite group relaxation possesses a dense subset of extreme functions. The n-dimensional version of this result was left as an open question. In the present paper, we settle this query in the affirmative: for any … Read more

Optimal cutting planes from the group relaxations

We study quantitative criteria for evaluating the strength of valid inequalities for Gomory and Johnson’s finite and infinite group models and we describe the valid inequalities that are optimal for these criteria. We justify and focus on the criterion of maximizing the volume of the nonnegative orthant cut off by a valid inequality. For the … Read more

Global optimization of mixed-integer ODE constrained network problems using the example of stationary gas transport

In this paper we propose a new approach for finding global solutions of mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems with ordinary differential equation constraints on networks. Instead of using a first discretize then optimize approach, we combine spatial and variable branching with appropriate discretizations of the differential equations to derive relaxations of the original problem. To construct … Read more

Complete Facial Reduction in One Step for Spectrahedra

A spectrahedron is the feasible set of a semidefinite program, SDP, i.e., the intersection of an affine set with the positive semidefinite cone. While strict feasibility is a generic property for random problems, there are many classes of problems where strict feasibility fails and this means that strong duality can fail as well. If the … Read more

Estimates of generalized Hessians for optimal value functions in mathematical programming

The \emph{optimal value function} is one of the basic objects in the field of mathematical optimization, as it allows the evaluation of the variations in the \emph{cost/revenue} generated while \emph{minimizing/maximizing} a given function under some constraints. In the context of stability/sensitivity analysis, a large number of publications have been dedicated to the study of continuity … Read more

Exact worst-case convergence rates of the proximal gradient method for composite convex minimization

We study the worst-case convergence rates of the proximal gradient method for minimizing the sum of a smooth strongly convex function and a non-smooth convex function whose proximal operator is available. We establish the exact worst-case convergence rates of the proximal gradient method in this setting for any step size and for different standard performance … Read more

A Self-Correcting Variable-Metric Algorithm Framework for Nonsmooth Optimization

An algorithm framework is proposed for minimizing nonsmooth functions. The framework is variable-metric in that, in each iteration, a step is computed using a symmetric positive definite matrix whose value is updated as in a quasi-Newton scheme. However, unlike previously proposed variable-metric algorithms for minimizing nonsmooth functions, the framework exploits self-correcting properties made possible through … Read more

A Bucket Graph Based Labeling Algorithm with Application to Vehicle Routing

We consider the Resource Constrained Shortest Path problem arising as a subproblem in state-of-the-art Branch-Cut-and-Price algorithms for vehicle routing problems. We propose a variant of the bi-directional label correcting algorithm in which the labels are stored and extended according to so-called bucket graph. Such organization of labels helps to decrease significantly the number of dominance … Read more

Primal-Dual π Learning: Sample Complexity and Sublinear Run Time for Ergodic Markov Decision Problems

Consider the problem of approximating the optimal policy of a Markov decision process (MDP) by sampling state transitions. In contrast to existing reinforcement learning methods that are based on successive approximations to the nonlinear Bellman equation, we propose a Primal-Dual π Learning method in light of the linear duality between the value and policy. The … Read more

Stabilized Benders methods for large-scale combinatorial optimization, with application to data privacy

The Cell Suppression Problem (CSP) is a challenging Mixed-Integer Linear Problem arising in statistical tabular data protection. Medium sized instances of CSP involve thousands of binary variables and million of continuous variables and constraints. However, CSP has the typical structure that allows application of the renowned Benders’ decomposition method: once the “complicating” binary variables are … Read more