Neighborhood based heuristics for a Two-level Hierarchical Location Problem with modular node capacities

In many telecommunication network architectures a given set of client nodes must be served by different kinds of facility, which provide di fferent services and have diff erent capabilities. Such facilities must be located and dimensioned in the design phase. We tackle a particular location problem in which two sets of facilities, mid level and high level, … Read more

Design and Verify: A New Scheme for Generating Cutting-Planes

A cutting-plane procedure for integer programming (IP) problems usually involves invoking a black-box procedure (such as the Gomory-Chvatal (GC) procedure) to compute a cutting-plane. In this paper, we describe an alternative paradigm of using the same cutting-plane black-box. This involves two steps. In the first step, we design an inequality cx = d + 1\} … Read more

Concepts and Applications of Stochastically Weighted Stochastic Dominance

Stochastic dominance theory provides tools to compare random entities. When comparing random vectors (say X and Y ), the problem can be viewed as one of multi-criterion decision making under uncertainty. One approach is to compare weighted sums of the components of these random vectors using univariate dominance. In this paper we propose new concepts … Read more

A Chance-Constrained Model & Cutting Planes for Fixed Broadband Wireless Networks

In this paper, we propose a chance-constrained mathematical program for fixed broadband wireless networks under unreliable channel conditions. The model is reformulated as integer linear program and valid inequalities are derived for the corresponding polytope. Computational results show that by an exact separation approach the optimality gap is closed by 42 % on average. Article … Read more

Planning Wireless Networks with Demand Uncertainty using Robust Optimization

An optimal planning of future wireless networks is fundamental to satisfy rising traffic demands jointly with the utilization of sophisticated techniques, such as OFDMA. Current methods for this task require a static model of the problem. However, uncertainty of data arises frequently in wireless networks, e. g., fluctuat- ing bit rate requirements. In this paper, … Read more

The Maximum k-Colorable Subgraph Problem and Orbitopes

Given an undirected node-weighted graph and a positive integer k, the maximum k-colorable subgraph probem is to select a k-colorable induced subgraph of largest weight. The natural integer programming formulation for this problem exhibits a high degree of symmetry which arises by permuting the color classes. It is well known that such symmetry has negative … Read more

Symmetry in Scheduling Problems

The presence of symmetry is common in certain types of scheduling problems. Symmetry can occur when one is scheduling a collection of jobs on multiple identical machines, or if one is determining production schedules for identical machines. General symmetry-breaking methods can be strengthened by taking advantage of the special structure of the symmetry group in … Read more

Random half-integral polytopes

We show that half-integral polytopes obtained as the convex hull of a random set of half-integral points of the 0/1 cube have rank as high as Ω(logn/loglogn) with positive probability — even if the size of the set relative to the total number of half-integral points of the cube tends to 0. The high rank … Read more

The Gomory-Chvatal closure of a non-rational polytope is a rational polytope

The question as to whether the Gomory-Chvatal closure of a non-rational polytope is a polytope has been a longstanding open problem in integer programming. In this paper, we answer this question in the affirmative, by combining ideas from polyhedral theory and the geometry of numbers. Article Download View The Gomory-Chvatal closure of a non-rational polytope … Read more

Facets of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring polytope

In this work we study a particular way of dealing with interference in combinatorial optimization models representing wireless communication networks. In a typical wireless network, co-channel interference occurs whenever two overlapping antennas use the same frequency channel, and a less critical interference is generated whenever two overlapping antennas use adjacent channels. This motivates the formulation … Read more