Scalable Algorithms for the Sparse Ridge Regression

Sparse regression and variable selection for large-scale data have been rapidly developed in the past decades. This work focuses on sparse ridge regression, which enforces the sparsity by use of the L0 norm. We first prove that the continuous relaxation of the mixed integer second order conic (MISOC) reformulation using perspective formulation is equivalent to … Read more

Strong formulations for conic quadratic optimization with indicator variables

We study the convex hull of the mixed-integer set given by a conic quadratic inequality and indicator variables. Conic quadratic terms are often used to encode uncertainties, while the indicator variables are used to model fixed costs or enforce sparsity in the solutions. We provide the convex hull description of the set under consideration when … Read more

Computing the Spark: Mixed-Integer Programming for the (Vector) Matroid Girth Problem

We investigate the NP-hard problem of computing the spark of a matrix (i.e., the smallest number of linearly dependent columns), a key parameter in compressed sensing and sparse signal recovery. To that end, we identify polynomially solvable special cases, gather upper and lower bounding procedures, and propose several exact (mixed-)integer programming models and linear programming … Read more

MIQP-Based Algorithm for the Global Solution of Economic Dispatch Problems with Valve-Point Effects

Even in a static setting, the economic load dispatch problem (ELDP)—namely the cost-optimal distribution of power among generating units to meet a specific demand subject to system constraints—turns out to be a challenge owing to the consideration of valve-point effects (VPE), which make the cost function nonsmooth and nonconvex. We present a new method, termed … Read more

Mathematical Programming Formulations for Piecewise Polynomial Functions

This paper studies mathematical programming formulations for solving optimization problems with piecewise polynomial (PWP) constraint functions. We elaborate on suitable polynomial bases as a means of efficiently representing PWPs in mathematical programs, comparing and drawing connections between the monomial basis, the Bernstein basis, and B-splines. The theory is presented for both continuous and semi-continuous PWPs. … Read more

Global Optimization of Multilevel Electricity Market Models Including Network Design and Graph Partitioning

We consider the combination of a network design and graph partitioning model in a multilevel framework for determining the optimal network expansion and the optimal zonal configuration of zonal pricing electricity markets, which is an extension of the model discussed in [25] that does not include a network design problem. The two classical discrete optimization … Read more

Combinatorial Integral Approximation for Mixed-Integer PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems

We apply the basic principles underlying combinatorial integral approximation methods for mixed-integer optimal control with ordinary differential equations in general, and the sum-up rounding algorithm specifically, to optimization problems with partial differential equation (PDE) constraints. By doing so, we identify two possible generalizations that are applicable to problems involving PDE constraints with mesh-dependent integer variables, … Read more

Optimal Black Start Allocation for Power System Restoration

Equipment failures, operator errors, natural disasters and cyber-attacks can and have caused extended blackouts of the electric grid. Even though such events are rare, preparedness for them is critical because extended power outages endanger human lives, compromise national security, or result in economic losses of billions of dollars. Since most of the generating units cannot … Read more

Least cost influence propagation in (social) networks

Influence maximization problems aim to identify key players in (social) networks and are typically motivated from viral marketing. In this work, we introduce and study the Generalized Least Cost Influence Problem (GLCIP) that generalizes many previously considered problem variants and allows to overcome some of their limitations. A formulation that is based on the concept … Read more

Conflict Driven Diving for Mixed Integer Programming

The analysis of infeasibility plays an important role in solving satisfiability problems (SAT) and mixed integer programs (MIPs). In mixed integer programming, this procedure is called conflict analysis. So far, modern MIP solvers use conflict analysis only for propagation and improving the dual bound, i.e., fathoming nodes that cannot contain feasible solutions. In this short … Read more