A quasisecant method for minimizing nonsmooth functions

In this paper a new algorithm to locally minimize nonsmooth, nonconvex functions is developed. We introduce the notion of secants and quasisecants for nonsmooth functions. The quasisecants are applied to find descent directions of locally Lipschitz functions. We design a minimization algorithm which uses quasisecants to find descent directions. We prove that this algorithm converges … Read more

An Interior-Point Algorithm for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization with Inexact Step Computations

We present a line-search algorithm for large-scale continuous optimization. The algorithm is matrix-free in that it does not require the factorization of derivative matrices. Instead, it uses iterative linear system solvers. Inexact step computations are supported in order to save computational expense during each iteration. The algorithm is an interior-point approach derived from an inexact … Read more

Branching and bounds tightening techniques for non-convex MINLP

Many industrial problems can be naturally formulated using Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP). Motivated by the demand for Open-Source solvers for real-world MINLP problems, we have developed a spatial Branch-and-Bound software package named COUENNE (Convex Over- and Under-ENvelopes for Nonlinear Estimation). In this paper, we present the structure of couenne and discuss in detail our … Read more

A Matrix-free Algorithm for Equality Constrained Optimization Problems with Rank-deficient Jacobians

We present a line search algorithm for large-scale constrained optimization that is robust and efficient even for problems with (nearly) rank-deficient Jacobian matrices. The method is matrix-free (i.e., it does not require explicit storage or factorizations of derivative matrices), allows for inexact step computations, and is applicable for nonconvex problems. The main components of the … Read more

Relaxing the Optimality Conditions of Box QP

We present semidefinite relaxations of nonconvex, box-constrained quadratic programming, which incorporate the first- and second-order necessary optimality conditions. We compare these relaxations with a basic semidefinite relaxation due to Shor, particularly in the context of branch-and-bound to determine a global optimal solution, where it is shown empirically that the new relaxations are significantly stronger. We … Read more

An Inexact Newton Method for Nonconvex Equality Constrained Optimization

We present a matrix-free line search algorithm for large-scale equality constrained optimization that allows for inexact step computations. For strictly convex problems, the method reduces to the inexact sequential quadratic programming approach proposed by Byrd et al. [SIAM J. Optim. 19(1) 351–369, 2008]. For nonconvex problems, the methodology developed in this paper allows for the … Read more

A secant method for nonsmooth optimization

The notion of a secant for locally Lipschitz continuous functions is introduced and a new algorithm to locally minimize nonsmooth, nonconvex functions based on secants is developed. We demonestrate that the secants can be used to design an algorithm to find descent directions of locally Lipschitz continuous functions. This algorithm is applied to design a … Read more

Max-min separability: incremental approach and application to supervised data classification

A new algorithm for the computation of a piecewise linear function separating two finite point sets in $n$-dimensional space is developed and the algorithm is applied to solve supervised data classification problems. The algorithm computes hyperplanes incrementally and it finds as many hyperplanes as necessary to separate two sets with respect to some tolerance. An … Read more

A Proximal Method for Identifying Active Manifolds

The minimization of an objective function over a constraint set can often be simplified if the “active manifold” of the constraints set can be correctly identified. In this work we present a simple subproblem, which can be used inside of any (convergent) optimization algorithm, that will identify the active manifold of a “prox-regular partly smooth” … Read more

Benchmark of Some Nonsmooth Optimization Solvers for Computing Nonconvex Proximal Points

The major focus of this work is to compare several methods for computing the proximal point of a nonconvex function via numerical testing. To do this, we introduce two techniques for randomly generating challenging nonconvex test functions, as well as two very specific test functions which should be of future interest to Nonconvex Optimization Benchmarking. … Read more