A New Low Rank Quasi-Newton Update Scheme for Nonlinear Programming

A new quasi-Newton scheme for updating a low rank positive semi-definite Hessian approximation is described, primarily for use in sequential quadratic programming methods for nonlinear programming. Where possible the symmetric rank one update formula is used, but when this is not possible a new rank two update is used, which is not in the Broyden … Read more

GRASP for nonlinear optimization

We propose a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) for solving continuous global optimization problems subject to box constraints. The method was tested on benchmark functions and the computational results show that our approach was able to find, in a few seconds, optimal solutions for all tested functions despite not using any gradient information about … Read more

A General Robust-Optimization Formulation for Nonlinear Programming

Most research in robust optimization has so far been focused on inequality-only, convex conic programming with simple linear models for uncertain parameters. Many practical optimization problems, however, are nonlinear and non-convex. Even in linear programming, coefficients may still be nonlinear functions of uncertain parameters. In this paper, we propose robust formulations that extend the robust-optimization … Read more

Interior-Point l_2 Penalty Methods for Nonlinear Programming with Strong Global Convergence Properties

We propose two line search primal-dual interior-point methods that approximately solve a equence of equality constrained barrier subproblems. To solve each subproblem, our methods apply a modified Newton method and use an $\ell_2$-exact penalty function to attain feasibility. Our methods have strong global convergence properties under standard assumptions. Specifically, if the penalty parameter remains bounded, … Read more

Solving Multi-Leader-Follower Games

Multi-leader-follower games arise when modeling competition between two or more dominant firms and lead in a natural way to equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints (EPECs). We examine a variety of nonlinear optimization and nonlinear complementarity formulations of EPECs. We distinguish two broad cases: problems where the leaders can cost-differentiate and problems with price-consistent followers. We … Read more

Elastic-Mode Algorithms for Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints: Global Convergence and Stationarity Properties

The elastic-mode formulation of the problem of minimizing a nonlinear function subject to equilibrium constraints has appealing local properties in that, for a finite value of the penalty parameter, local solutions satisfying first- and second-order necessary optimality conditions for the original problem are also first- and second-order points of the elastic-mode formulation. Here we study … Read more

On Augmented Lagrangian methods with general lower-level constraints

Augmented Lagrangian methods with general lower-level constraints are considered in the present research. These methods are useful when efficient algorithms exist for solving subproblems where the constraints are only of the lower-level type. Two methods of this class are introduced and analyzed. Inexact resolution of the lower-level constrained subproblems is considered. Global convergence is proved … Read more

Active Set Identification in Nonlinear Programming

Techniques that identify the active constraints at a solution of a nonlinear programming problem from a point near the solution can be a useful adjunct to nonlinear programming algorithms. They have the potential to improve the local convergence behavior of these algorithms, and in the best case can reduce an inequality constrained problem to an … Read more

On the Global Convergence of a Trust Region Method for Solving Nonlinear Constraints Infeasibility Problem

A framework for proving global convergence for a class of nonlinear constraints infeasibility problem is presented without assuming that the Jacobian has full rank everywhere. The underlying method is based on the simple sufficient reduction criteria where trial points are accepted provided there is a sufficient decrease in the constraints violation function. The proposed methods … Read more

Interior Methods for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints

This paper studies theoretical and practical properties of interior-penalty methods for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints. A framework for implementing these methods is presented, and the need for adaptive penalty update strategies is motivated with examples. The algorithm is shown to be globally convergent to strongly stationary points, under standard assumptions. These results are then … Read more