Chance-constrained problems and rare events: an importance sampling approach

We study chance-constrained problems in which the constraints involve the probability of a rare event. We discuss the relevance of such problems and show that the existing sampling-based algorithms cannot be applied directly in this case, since they require an impractical number of samples to yield reasonable solutions. Using a Sample Average Approximation (SAA) approach … Read more

Nonmonotone line search methods with variable sample size

Nonmonotone line search methods for unconstrained minimization with the objective functions in the form of mathematical expectation are considered. The objective function is approximated by the sample average approximation (SAA) with a large sample of fixed size. The nonmonotone line search framework is embedded with a variable sample size strategy such that different sample size … Read more

Tail bounds for stochastic approximation

Stochastic-approximation gradient methods are attractive for large-scale convex optimization because they offer inexpensive iterations. They are especially popular in data-fitting and machine-learning applications where the data arrives in a continuous stream, or it is necessary to minimize large sums of functions. It is known that by appropriately decreasing the variance of the error at each … Read more

Worst-case-expectation approach to optimization under uncertainty

In this paper we discuss multistage programming with the data process subject to uncertainty. We consider a situation were the data process can be naturally separated into two components, one can be modeled as a random process, with a specified probability distribution, and the other one can be treated from a robust (worst case) point … Read more

Maximizing expected utility over a knapsack constraint

The expected utility knapsack problem is to pick a set of items whose values are described by random variables so as to maximize the expected utility of the total value of the items picked while satisfying a constraint on the total weight of items picked. We consider the following solution approach for this problem: (i) … Read more

Consistency of sample estimates of risk averse stochastic programs

In this paper we study asymptotic consistency of law invariant convex risk measures and the corresponding risk averse stochastic programming problems for independent identically distributed data. Under mild regularity conditions we prove a Law of Large Numbers and epiconvergence of the corresponding statistical estimators. This can be applied in a straight forward way to establishing … Read more

Risk neutral and risk averse Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming method

In this paper we discuss risk neutral and risk averse approaches to multistage (linear) stochastic programming problems based on the Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (SDDP) method. We give a general description of the algorithm and present computational studies related to planning of the Brazilian interconnected power system. Citation ArticleDownload View PDF

Line search methods with variable sample size for unconstrained optimization

Minimization of unconstrained objective function in the form of mathematical expectation is considered. Sample Average Approximation – SAA method transforms the expectation objective function into a real-valued deterministic function using large sample and thus deals with deterministic function minimization. The main drawback of this approach is its cost. A large sample of the random variable … Read more

A Matrix-Free Approach For Solving The Gaussian Process Maximum Likelihood Problem

Gaussian processes are the cornerstone of statistical analysis in many application ar- eas. Nevertheless, most of the applications are limited by their need to use the Cholesky factorization in the computation of the likelihood. In this work, we present a matrix-free approach for comput- ing the solution of the maximum likelihood problem involving Gaussian processes. … Read more

A Matrix-Free Approach For Solving The Gaussian Process Maximum Likelihood Problem

Gaussian processes are the cornerstone of statistical analysis in many application ar- eas. Nevertheless, most of the applications are limited by their need to use the Cholesky factorization in the computation of the likelihood. In this work, we present a matrix-free approach for comput- ing the solution of the maximum likelihood problem involving Gaussian processes. … Read more