A Fast Moving Horizon Estimation Algorithm Based on Nonlinear Programming Sensitivity

Moving Horizon Estimation (MHE) is an efficient optimization-based strategy for state estimation. Despite the attractiveness of this method, its application in industrial settings has been rather limited. This has been mainly due to the difficulty to solve, in real-time, the associated dynamic optimization problems. In this work, a fast MHE algorithm able to overcome this … Read more

Approximate Level Method

In this paper we propose and analyze a variant of the level method [4], which is an algorithm for minimizing nonsmooth convex functions. The main work per iteration is spent on 1) minimizing a piecewise-linear model of the objective function and on 2) projecting onto the intersection of the feasible region and a polyhedron arising … Read more

Optimal control of a parabolic equation with time-dependent state constraints

In this paper we study the optimal control problem of the heat equation by a distributed control over a subset of the domain, in the presence of a state constraint. The latter is integral over the space and has to be satisfied at each time. Using for the first time the technique of alternative optimality … Read more

Sensitivity analysis of the optimal solutions to Huff-type competitive location and design problems

A chain wants to set up a single new facility in a planar market where similar facilities of competitors, and possibly of its own chain, are already present. Fixed demand points split their demand probabilistically over all facilities in the market proportionally with their attraction to each facility, determined by the different perceived qualities of … Read more

Two theoretical results for sequential semidefinite programming

We examine the local convergence of a sequential semidefinite programming approach for solving nonlinear programs with nonlinear semidefiniteness constraints. Known convergence results are extended to slightly weaker second order sufficient conditions and the resulting subproblems are shown to have local convexity properties that imply a weak form of self-concordance of the barrier subproblems. CitationPreprint, Mathematisches … Read more

Sensitivity analysis in linear semi-infinite programming via partitions

This paper provides sufficient conditions for the optimal value function of a given linear semi-infinite programming problem to depend linearly on the size of the perturbations, when these perturbations are directional, involve either the cost coefficients or the right-hand-side function or both, and they are sufficiently small. Two kinds of partitions are considered. The first … Read more

Stability and Sensitivity Analysis for Optimal Control Problems with a First-order State Constraint having (nonessential) Touch Points

The paper deals with an optimal control problem with a scalar first-order state constraint and a scalar control. In presence of (nonessential) touch points, the arc structure of the trajectory is not stable. We show how to perform a sensitivity analysis that predicts which touch points will, under a small perturbation, become inactive, remain touch … Read more

Prox-Regularity and Stability of the Proximal Mapping

Fundamental insights into the properties of a function come from the study of its Moreau envelopes and Proximal point mappings. In this paper we examine the stability of these two objects under several types of perturbations. In the simplest case, we consider tilt-perturbations, i.e. perturbations which correspond to adding a linear term to the objective … Read more

Generalized Support Set Invariancy Sensitivity Analysis

Support set invariancy sensitivity analysis deals with finding the range of the parameter variation where there are optimal solutions with the same positive variables for all parameter values throughout this range. This approach to sensitivity analysis has been studied for Linear Optimization (LO) and Convex Quadratic Optimization (CQO) problems, when they are in standard form. … Read more

The Strong Second-Order Sufficient Condition and Constraint Nondegeneracy in Nonlinear Semidefinite Programming and Their Implications

For a locally optimal solution to the nonlinear semidefinite programming problem, under Robinson’s constraint qualification, the following conditions are proved to be equivalent: the strong second order sufficient condition and constraint nondegeneracy; the nonsingularity of Clarke’s Jacobian of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker system; the strong regularity of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker point; and others. CitationTechnical Report, Department of Mathematics, … Read more