Constraint Qualification Failure in Action

This note presents a theoretical analysis of disjunctive constraints featuring unbounded variables. In this framework, classical modeling techniques, including big-M approaches, are not applicable. We introduce a lifted second-order cone formulation of such on/off constraints and discuss related constraint qualification issues. A solution is proposed to avoid solvers’ failure. CitationH. L. Hijazi and L.Liberti “Constraint … Read more

Mathematical Programming: Turing completeness and applications to software analysis

Mathematical Programming is Turing complete, and can be used as a general-purpose declarative language. We present a new constructive proof of this fact, and showcase its usefulness by discussing an application to finding the hardest input of any given program running on a Minsky Register Machine. We also discuss an application of Mathematical Programming to … Read more

On feasibility based bounds tightening

Mathematical programming problems involving nonconvexities are usually solved to optimality using a (spatial) Branch-and-Bound algorithm. Algorithmic efficiency depends on many factors, among which the widths of the bounding box for the problem variables at each Branch-and-Bound node naturally plays a critical role. The practically fastest box-tightening algorithm is known as FBBT (Feasibility-Based Bounds Tightening): an … Read more

Orbital shrinking

Symmetry plays an important role in optimization. The usual approach to cope with symmetry in discrete optimization is to try to eliminate it by introducing artificial symmetry-breaking conditions into the problem, and/or by using an ad-hoc search strategy. In this paper we argue that symmetry is instead a beneficial feature that we should preserve and … Read more

On the generation of symmetry breaking constraints for mathematical programs

Mathematical programs whose formulation is symmetric often take a long time to solve using Branch-and-Bound type algorithms, because of the several symmetric optima. One of the techniques used to decrease the adverse effects of symmetry is adjoining symmetry breaking constraints to the formulation before solving the problem. These constraints aim to make some of the … Read more

Optimal Design of Electrical Machines: Mathematical Programming Formulations

The optimal design of electrical machines can be mathematically modeled as a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem. We present six variants of such a problem, and we show, through extensive computational experiments, that, even though they are mathematically equivalent, the differences in the formulations may have an impact on the numerical performances of a local optimization … Read more

On the impact of symmetry-breaking constraints on spatial Branch-and-Bound for circle packing in a square

We study the problem of packing equal circles in a square from the mathematical programming point of view. We discuss different formulations, we analyse formulation symmetries, we propose some symmetry breaking constraints and show that not only do they tighten the convex relaxation bound, but they also ease the task of local NLP solution algorithms … Read more

The iBP algorithm for the discretizable molecular distance geometry problem with interval data

The Distance Geometry Problem in three dimensions consists in finding an embedding in R^3 of a given nonnegatively weighted simple undirected graph such that edge weights are equal to the corresponding Euclidean distances in the embedding. This is a continuous search problem that can be discretized under some assumptions on the minimum degree of the … Read more

Reduced RLT Representations for Nonconvex Polynomial Programming Problems

This paper explores equivalent, reduced size Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT)-based formulations for polynomial programming problems. Utilizing a basis partitioning scheme for an embedded linear equality subsystem, we show that a strict subset of RLT defining equalities imply the remaining ones. Applying this result, we derive significantly reduced RLT representations and develop certain coherent associated branching rules … Read more

Molecular distance geometry methods: from continuous to discrete

Distance geometry problems arise from the need to position entities in the Euclidean $K$-space given some of their respective distances. Entities may be atoms (molecular distance geometry), wireless sensors (sensor network localization), or abstract vertices of a graph(graph drawing). In the context of molecular distance geometry, the distances are usually known because of chemical properties … Read more