A dual spectral projected gradient method for log-determinant semidefinite problems

We extend the result on the spectral projected gradient method by Birgin et al in 2000 to a log-determinant semidefinite problem (SDP) with linear constraints and propose a spectral projected gradient method for the dual problem. Our method is based on alternate projections on the intersection of two convex sets, which first projects onto the … Read more

Polyhedral-based Methods for Mixed-Integer SOCP in Tree Breeding

Optimal contribution selection (OCS) is a mathematical optimization problem that aims to maximize the total benefit from selecting a group of individuals under a constraint on genetic diversity. We are specifically focused on OCS as applied to forest tree breeding, when selected individuals will contribute equally to the gene pool. Since the diversity constraint in … Read more

Solving Pooling Problems by LP and SOCP Relaxations and Rescheduling Methods

The pooling problem is an important industrial problem in the class of network flow problems for allocating gas flow in pipeline transportation networks. For P-formulation of the pooling problem with time discretization, we propose second order cone programming (SOCP) and linear programming (LP) relaxations and prove that they obtain the same optimal value as the … Read more

Conic relaxation approaches for equal deployment problems

An important problem in the breeding of livestock, crops, and forest trees is the optimum of selection of genotypes that maximizes genetic gain. The key constraint in the optimal selection is a convex quadratic constraint that ensures genetic diversity, therefore, the optimal selection can be cast as a second-order cone programming (SOCP) problem. Yamashita et … Read more

A Successive LP Approach with C-VaR Type Constraints for IMRT Optimization

Radiation therapy is considered to be one of important treatment protocols for cancers. Radiation therapy employs several beams of ionizing radiation to kill cancer tumors, but such irradiation also causes damage to normal tissues. Therefore, a treatment plan should satisfy dose-volume constraints (DVCs). Intensity-modulated radiotherapy treatment (IMRT) enables to control the beam intensities and gives … Read more

An efficient second-order cone programming approach for optimal selection in tree breeding

An important problem in tree breeding is optimal selection from candidate pedigree members to produce the highest performance in seed orchards, while conserving essential genetic diversity. The most beneficial members should contribute as much as possible, but such selection of orchard parents would reduce performance of the orchard progeny due to serious inbreeding. To avoid … Read more

A trust-region method for box-constrained nonlinear semidefinite programs

We propose a trust-region method for nonlinear semidefinite programs with box-constraints. The penalty barrier method can handle this problem, but the size of variable matrices available in practical time is restricted to be less than 500. We develop a trust-region method based on the approach of Coleman and Li (1996) that utilizes the distance to … Read more

Fast implementation for semidefinite programs with positive matrix completion

Solving semidefinite programs (SDP) in a short time is the key to managing various mathematical optimization problems in practical time. The matrix-completion primal-dual interior-point method (MC-PDIPM) extracts a structural sparsity of input SDP by factorizing the variable matrices, and it shrinks the computation time. In this paper, we propose a new factorization based on the … Read more

Parallel Implementation of Successive Sparse SDP Relaxations for Large-scale Euclidean Distance Geometry Problems

The Euclidean distance geometry problem (EDGP) includes locating sensors in a sensor network and constructing a molecular configuration using given distances in the two or three-dimensional Euclidean space. When the locations of some nodes, called anchors, are given, the problem can be dealt with many existing methods. An anchor-free problem in the three-dimensional space, however, … Read more

Correlative Sparsity Structures and Semidefinite Relaxations for Concave Cost Transportation Problems with Change of Variables

We present a hierarchy of semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations for solving the concave cost transportation problem (CCTP), which is known to be NP-hard, with $p$ suppliers and $q$ demanders. In particular, we study cases in which the cost function is quadratic or square-root concave. The key idea of our relaxation methods is in the change … Read more