A Generalized Voting Game for Categorical Network Choices

This paper presents a game-theoretical framework for data classification and network discovery, focusing on pairwise influences in multivariate choices. The framework consists of two complementary games in which individuals, connected through a signed weighted graph, exhibit network similarity. A voting rule captures the influence of an individual’s neighbors, categorized as attractive (friend-like) or repulsive (enemy-like), … Read more

Nash Bargaining Partitioning in Decentralized Portfolio Management

In the context of decentralized portfolio management, understanding how to distribute a fixed budget among decentralized intermediaries is a relevant question for financial investors. We consider the Nash bargaining partitioning for a class of decentralized investment problems, where intermediaries are in charge of the portfolio construction in heterogeneous local markets and act as risk/disutility minimizers. … Read more

An Almost Exact Multi-Machine Scheduling Solution for Homogeneous Processing

In the context of job scheduling in parallel machines, we present a class of asymptotically exact binary programs for the minimization of the $\tau$-norm of completion time variances. Building on overlooked properties of the min completion time variance in a single machine and on an equivalent bilevel formulation, our approach provides an asymptotic approximation (with … Read more

Multi-market Portfolio Optimization with Conditional Value at Risk

In this paper we propose an optimization framework for multi-markets portfolio management, where a central headquarter relies upon local affiliates for the market-wise selection of investment options. Being averse to risk, the headquarter endogenously selects the maximum expected loss (conditional value at risk) for the affiliates, who respond designing portfolios and selecting management fees. In … Read more

An Almost Exact Solution to the Min Completion Time Variance in a Single Machine

We consider a single machine scheduling problem to minimize the completion time variance of n jobs. This problem is known to be NP-hard and our contribution is to establish a novel bounding condition for a characterization of an optimal sequence. Specifically, we prove a necessary and sufficient condition (which can be verified in O(n\log n)) … Read more

An integrated planning model in centralized power systems

In the context of centralized electricity markets, we propose an integrated planning model for power pricing and network expansion, which endogenizes the scaling costs from power losses. While the substitutability pattern between pricing and expansion has been overlooked in the power flow optimization literature, this becomes particularly relevant in centralized electricity markets (where the headquarters … Read more

A specialized interior-point algorithm for huge minimum convex cost flows in bipartite networks

The computation of the Newton direction is the most time consuming step of interior-point methods. This direction was efficiently computed by a combination of Cholesky factorizations and conjugate gradients in a specialized interior-point method for block-angular structured problems. In this work we apply this algorithmic approach to solve very large instances of minimum cost flows … Read more

On geometrical properties of preconditioners in IPMs for classes of block-angular problems

One of the most efficient interior-point methods for some classes of block-angular structured problems solves the normal equations by a combination of Cholesky factorizations and preconditioned conjugate gradient for, respectively, the block and linking constraints. In this work we show that the choice of a good preconditioner depends on geometrical properties of the constraints structure. … Read more

A cutting-plane approach for large-scale capacitated multi-period facility location using a specialized interior-point method

We propose a cutting-plane approach (namely, Benders decomposition) for a class of capacitated multi-period facility location problems. The novelty of this approach lies on the use of a specialized interior-point method for solving the Benders subproblems. The primal block-angular structure of the resulting linear optimization problems is exploited by the interior-point method, allowing the (either … Read more

Exploiting total unimodularity for classes of random network problems

Network analysis is of great interest for the study of social, biological and technological networks, with applications, among others, in business, marketing, epidemiology and telecommunications. Researchers are often interested in assessing whether an observed feature in some particular network is expected to be found within families of networks under some hypothesis (named conditional random networks, … Read more