Dynamic Evolution for Risk-Neutral Densities

Option price data is often used to infer risk-neutral densities for future prices of an underlying asset. Given the prices of a set of options on the same underlying asset with different strikes and maturities, we propose a nonparametric approach for estimating the evolution of the risk-neutral density in time. Our method uses bicubic splines … Read more

Comparison and robustification of Bayes and Black-Litterman models

For determining an optimal portfolio allocation, parameters representing the underlying market — characterized by expected asset returns and the covariance matrix — are needed. Traditionally, these point estimates for the parameters are obtained from historical data samples, but as experts often have strong opinions about (some of) these values, approaches to combine sample information and … Read more

Inferring Company Structure from Limited Available Information

In this paper we present several algorithmic techniques for inferring the structure of a company when only a limited amount of information is available. We consider problems with two types of inputs: the number of pairs of employees with a given property and restricted information about the hierarchical structure of the company. We provide dynamic … Read more

Closed-form solutions to static-arbitrage upper bounds on basket options

We provide a closed-form solution to the problem of computing the sharpest static-arbitrage upper bound on the price of a European basket option, given the prices of vanilla call options in the underlying securities. Unlike previous approaches to this problem, our solution technique is entirely based on linear programming. This also allows us to obtain … Read more

Value-at-Risk optimization using the difference of convex algorithm

Value-at-Risk (VaR) is an integral part of contemporary financial regulations. Therefore, the measurement of VaR and the design of VaR optimal portfolios are highly relevant problems for financial institutions. This paper treats a VaR constrained Markowitz style portfolio selection problem when the distribution of returns of the considered assets are given in the form of … Read more

Iterative Estimation Maximization for Stochastic Linear Programs with Conditional Value-at-Risk Constraints

We present a new algorithm, Iterative Estimation Maximization (IEM), for stochastic linear programs with Conditional Value-at-Risk constraints. IEM iteratively constructs a sequence of compact-sized linear optimization problems, and solves them sequentially to find the optimal solution. The problem size IEM solves in each iteration is unaffected by the size of random samples, which makes it … Read more

Tractable Robust Expected Utility and Risk Models for Portfolio Optimization

Expected utility models in portfolio optimization is based on the assumption of complete knowledge of the distribution of random returns. In this paper, we relax this assumption to the knowledge of only the mean, covariance and support information. No additional assumption on the type of distribution such as normality is made. The investor’s utility is … Read more

Formulation and solution strategies for nonparametric nonlinear stochastic programs, with an application in finance

We consider a class of stochastic programming models where the uncertainty is classically represented using parametric distributions families. The parameters are then usually estimated together with the optimal value of the problem. However, misspecification of the underlying random variables often leads to irrealistic results when little is known about their true distributions. We propose to … Read more

A difference of convex formulation of value-at-risk constrained optimization

In this article, we present a representation of value-at-risk (VaR) as a difference of convex (D.C.) functions in the case where the distribution of the underlying random variable is discrete and has finitely many atoms. The D.C. representation is used to study a financial risk-return portfolio selection problem with a VaR constraint. A branch-and-bound algorithm … Read more

A Log-Robust Optimization Approach to Portfolio Management

In this paper we present a robust optimization approach to portfolio management under uncertainty that (i) builds upon the well-established Lognormal model for stock prices while addressing its limitations, and (ii) incorporates the imperfect knowledge on the true distribution of the continuously compounded rates of return, i.e., the increments of the logarithm of the stock … Read more