Worst-Case Expected Shortfall with Univariate and Bivariate Marginals

Worst-case bounds on the expected shortfall risk given only limited information on the distribution of the random variables has been studied extensively in the literature. In this paper, we develop a new worst-case bound on the expected shortfall when the univariate marginals are known exactly and additional expert information is available in terms of bivariate … Read more

Differentiated oligopolistic markets with concave cost functions via Ky Fan inequalities

A model for Nash-Cournot oligopolistic markets with concave cost functions and a differentiated commodity is analysed. Equilibrium states are characterized through Ky Fan inequalities. Relying on the minimization of a suitable merit function, a general algorithmic scheme for solving them is provided. Two concrete algorithms are therefore designed that converge under suitable convexity and monotonicity … Read more

Decomposition and Optimization in Constructing Forward Capacity Market Demand Curves

This paper presents an economic framework for designing demand curves in Forward Capacity Market (FCM). Capacity demand curves have been recognized as a way to reduce the price volatility inherited from fixed capacity requirements. However, due to the lack of direct demand bidding in FCM, obtaining demand curves that appropriately reflect load’s willingness to pay … Read more

Multi-Period Portfolio Optimization: Translation of Autocorrelation Risk to Excess Variance

Growth-optimal portfolios are guaranteed to accumulate higher wealth than any other investment strategy in the long run. However, they tend to be risky in the short term. For serially uncorrelated markets, similar portfolios with more robust guarantees have been recently proposed. This paper extends these robust portfolios by accommodating non-zero autocorrelations that may reflect investors’ … Read more

A CVaR Scenario-based Framework: Minimizing Downside Risk of Multi-asset Class Portfolios

Multi-asset class (MAC) portfolios can be comprised of investments in equities, fixed-income, commodities, foreign-exchange, credit, derivatives, and alternatives such as real-estate and private equity. The return for such {\em non-linear} portfolios is {\em asymmetric} with significant tail risk. The traditional Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization (MVO) framework, that linearizes all the assets in the portfolio and uses … Read more

A Non-metric Bilevel Location Problem

We address a bilevel location problem where a leader first decides which facilities to open and their access prices; then, customers make individual decisions minimizing individual costs. In this note we prove that, when access costs do not fulfill metric properties, the problem is NP-hard even if facilities can be opened at no fixed cost. … Read more

A Distributed Interior-Point KKT Solver for Multistage Stochastic Optimization

Multistage stochastic optimization leads to NLPs over scenario trees that become extremely large when many time stages or fine discretizations of the probability space are required. Interior-point methods are well suited for these problems if the arising huge, structured KKT systems can be solved efficiently, for instance, with a large scenario tree but a moderate … Read more

Nash Equilibrium in a Pay-as-bid Electricity Market: Part 2 – Best Response of a Producer

We consider a multi-leader-common-follower model of a pay-as-bid electricity market in which the producers provide the regulator with either linear or quadratic bids. We prove that for a given producer only linear bids can maximise his profit. Such linear bids are referred as the “best response” of the given producer. They are obtained assuming the … Read more

Nash Equilibrium in a Pay-as-bid Electricity Market: Part 1 – Existence and Characterisation

We consider a model of a pay-as-bid electricity market based on a multi-leader-common-follower approach where the producers as leaders are at the upper level and the regulator as a common follower is at the lower level. We fully characterise Nash equilibria for this model by describing necessary and sufficient conditions for their existence as well … Read more

Risk-averse portfolio selection of renewable electricity generator investments in Brazil: An optimised multi-market commercialisation strategy

Investment decisions in renewable energy sources such as small hydro, wind power, biomass and solar are frequently made in the context of enormous uncertainty surrounding both intermittent generation and the highly volatile electricity spot prices that are used for clearing of trades. This paper presents a new portfolio-based approach for selecting long-term investments in small-scale … Read more