A general framework for customized transition to smart homes

Smart homes have the potential to achieve efficient energy consumption: households can profit from appropriately scheduled consumption. By 2020, 35% of all households in North America and 20% in Europe are expected to become smart homes. Developing a smart home requires considerable investment, and the householders expect a positive return. In this context, we address … Read more

Pricing in Multi-Interval Real-Time Markets

This paper examines multi-interval real-time markets in the context of US independent system operators (ISOs). We show that current ISO implementations that settle only the upcoming interval of the multi-interval solution can create incentive problems. Fundamentally, this is the result of each successive optimization problem treating historical losses as sunk costs. To solve the incentive … Read more

Towards Resilient Operation of Multi-Microgrids: An MISOCP-Based Frequency-Constrained Approach

High penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) is transforming the paradigm in power system operation. The ability to provide electricity to customers while the main grid is disrupted has introduced the concept of microgrids with many challenges and opportunities. Emergency control of dangerous transients caused by the transition between the grid-connected and island modes in … Read more

Clustering methods to find representative periods for the optimization of energy systems: an initial framework and comparison

Modeling time-varying operations in complex energy systems optimization problems is often computationally intractable, and time-series input data are thus often aggregated to representative periods. In this work, we introduce a framework for using clustering methods for this purpose, and we compare both conventionally-used methods (k-means, k-medoids, and hierarchical clustering), and shape-based clustering methods (dynamic time … Read more

Leveraging Predictive Analytics to Control and Coordinate Operations, Asset Loading and Maintenance

This paper aims to advance decision-making in power systems by proposing an integrated framework that combines sensor data analytics and optimization. Our modeling framework consists of two components: (1) a predictive analytics methodology that uses real-time sensor data to predict future degradation and remaining lifetime of generators as a function of the loading conditions, and … Read more

Multistage Stochastic Demand-side Management for Price-Making Major Consumers of Electricity in a Co-optimized Energy and Reserve Market

In this paper we take an optimization-driven heuristic approach, motivated by dynamic programming, to solve a multistage stochastic optimization of energy consumption for a large manufacturer who is a price-making major consumer of electricity. We introduce a mixed-integer program that co-optimizes consumption bids and interruptible load reserve offers, for such a major consumer over a … Read more

A Fully Distributed Dual Consensus ADMM Based on Partition for DC-OPF with Carbon Emission Trading

This paper presents a novel fully distributed alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) approach for solving the direct current optimal power flow with carbon emission trading (DC-OPF-CET) problem. Different from the other ADMM-based distributed approaches which disclosing boundary buses and branches information among adjacent subsystems, our proposed method adopts a new strategy by using ADMM … Read more

A realistic energy optimization model for smart-home appliances

Smart homes have the potential to achieve optimal energy consumption with appropriate scheduling. The control of smart appliances can be based on optimization models, which should be realistic and efficient. However, increased realism also implies an increase in solution time. Many of the optimization models in the literature have limitations on the types of appliances … Read more

Optimal Black Start Allocation for Power System Restoration

Equipment failures, operator errors, natural disasters and cyber-attacks can and have caused extended blackouts of the electric grid. Even though such events are rare, preparedness for them is critical because extended power outages endanger human lives, compromise national security, or result in economic losses of billions of dollars. Since most of the generating units cannot … Read more

Load Scheduling for Residential Demand Response on Smart Grids

The residential load scheduling problem is concerned with finding an optimal schedule for the operation of residential loads so as to minimize the total cost of energy while aiming to respect a prescribed limit on the power level of the residence. We propose a mixed integer linear programming formulation of this problem that accounts for … Read more