A Note on the Behavior of the Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm of Strohmer and Vershynin

In a recent paper by Strohmer and Vershynin (J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 15:262–278, 2009) a “randomized Kaczmarz algorithm” is proposed for solving consistent systems of linear equations {ai, x = bi }m i=1. In that algorithm the next equation to be used in an iterative Kaczmarz process is selected with a probability proportional to ai2. … Read more

Block-Iterative and String-Averaging Projection Algorithms in Proton Computed Tomography Image Reconstruction

Proton computed tomography (pCT) is an imaging modality that has been suggested as a means for reducing the range uncertainty during proton radiation treatments. By measuring the spatial location of individual protons pre- and post-patient, as well as the energy lost along the proton path, three dimensional maps of patient water equivalent electron densities can … Read more

Band Gap Optimization of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals Using Semidefinite Programming and Subspace Methods

In this paper, we consider the optimal design of photonic crystal band structures for two-dimensional square lattices. The mathematical formulation of the band gap optimization problem leads to an infinite-dimensional Hermitian eigenvalue optimization problem parametrized by the dielectric material and the wave vector. To make the problem tractable, the original eigenvalue problem is discretized using … Read more

An Augmented Lagrangian Approach for Sparse Principal Component Analysis

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a widely used technique for data analysis and dimension reduction with numerous applications in science and engineering. However, the standard PCA suffers from the fact that the principal components (PCs) are usually linear combinations of all the original variables, and it is thus often difficult to interpret the PCs. To … Read more

Convergence and Convergence Rate of Stochastic Gradient Search in the Case of Multiple and Non-Isolated Extrema

The asymptotic behavior of stochastic gradient algorithms is studied. Relying on some results of differential geometry (Lojasiewicz gradient inequality), the almost sure point-convergence is demonstrated and relatively tight almost sure bounds on the convergence rate are derived. In sharp contrast to all existing result of this kind, the asymptotic results obtained here do not require … Read more

Trace Norm Regularization: Reformulations, Algorithms, and Multi-task Learning

We consider a recently proposed optimization formulation of multi-task learning based on trace norm regularized least squares. While this problem may be formulated as a semidefinite program (SDP), its size is beyond general SDP solvers. Previous solution approaches apply proximal gradient methods to solve the primal problem. We derive new primal and dual reformulations of … Read more

Reconstruction of CT Images from Parsimonious Angular Measurements via Compressed Sensing

Computed Tomography is one of the most popular diagnostic tools available to medical professionals. However, its diagnostic power comes at a cost to the patient- significant radiation exposure. The amount of radiation exposure is a function of the number of angular measurements necessary to successfully reconstruct the imaged volume. Compressed sensing on the other hand … Read more

A First-Order Smoothed Penalty Method for Compressed Sensing

We propose a first-order smoothed penalty algorithm (SPA) to solve the sparse recovery problem min{||x||_1 : Ax=b}. SPA is efficient as long as the matrix-vector product Ax and A^Ty can be computed efficiently; in particular, A need not be an orthogonal projection matrix. SPA converges to the target signal by solving a sequence of penalized … Read more

Real-Time Optimization as a Generalized Equation

We establish results for the problem of tracking a time-dependent manifold arising in online nonlinear programming by casting this as a generalized equation. We demonstrate that if points along a solution manifold are consistently strongly regular, it is possible to track the manifold approximately by solving a linear complementarity problem (LCP) at each time step. … Read more

Rank-Sparsity Incoherence for Matrix Decomposition

Suppose we are given a matrix that is formed by adding an unknown sparse matrix to an unknown low-rank matrix. Our goal is to decompose the given matrix into its sparse and low-rank components. Such a problem arises in a number of applications in model and system identification, and is NP-hard in general. In this … Read more