Improved Branch-and-Cut for the Inventory Routing Problem Based on a Two-Commodity Flow Formulation

This paper examines the Inventory Routing Problem (IRP) with Maximum Level inventory policy. The IRP is a broad class of hard to solve problems with numerous practical applications in the field of freight transportation and logistics. A supplier is responsible for determining the timing and the quantity of replenishment services offered to a set of … Read more

Branch-and-Bound Solves Random Binary IPs in Polytime

Branch-and-bound is the workhorse of all state-of-the-art mixed integer linear programming (MILP) solvers. These implementations of branch-and-bound typically use variable branching, that is, the child nodes are obtained by fixing some variable to an integer value v in one node and to v + 1 in the other node. Even though modern MILP solvers are … Read more

A Separation Heuristic for 2-Partition Inequalities for the Clique Partitioning Problem

We consider the class of 2-partition inequalities for the clique partitioning problem associated with complete graphs. We propose a heuristic separation algorithm for the inequalities and evaluate its usefulness in a cutting-plane algorithm. Our computational experiments fall into two parts. In the first part, we compare the LP objective values obtained by the proposed separator … Read more

A Branch-and-Check Approach for the Tourist Trip Design Problem with Rich Constraints

The tourist trip design problem is an extension of the orienteering problem applied to tourism. The problem consists in selecting a subset of locations to visit from among a larger set while maximizing the benefit for the tourist. The benefit is given by the sum of the rewards collected at each location visited. We consider … Read more

Decomposition-based algorithms for the crew scheduling and routing problem in road restoration

The crew scheduling and routing problem (CSRP) consists of determining the best route and schedule for a single crew to repair damaged nodes in a network affected by extreme events. The problem also involves the design of paths to connect a depot to demand nodes that become accessible only after the damaged nodes in these … Read more

K-Adaptability in stochastic optimization

We consider stochastic problems in which both the objective function and the feasible set are affected by uncertainty. We address these problems using a K-adaptability approach, in which K solutions for the underlying problem are computed before the uncertainty dissolves and afterwards the best of them can be chosen for the realised scenario. This paradigm … Read more

Sparse Regression at Scale: Branch-and-Bound rooted in First-Order Optimization

We consider the least squares regression problem, penalized with a combination of the L0 and L2 norms (a.k.a. L0 L2 regularization). Recent work presents strong evidence that the resulting L0-based estimators can outperform popular sparse learning methods, under many important high-dimensional settings. However, exact computation of L0-based estimators remains a major challenge. Indeed, state-of-the-art mixed … Read more

Solving the distance-based critical node problem

In critical node problems, the task is identify a small subset of so-called critical nodes whose deletion maximally degrades a network’s “connectivity” (however that is measured). Problems of this type have been widely studied, e.g., for limiting the spread of infectious diseases. However, existing approaches for solving them have typically been limited to networks having … Read more

Orbital Conflict: Cutting Planes for Symmetric Integer Programs

Cutting planes have been an important factor in the impressive progress made by integer programming (IP) solvers in the past two decades. However, cutting planes have had little impact on improving performance for symmetric IPs. Rather, the main breakthroughs for solving symmetric IPs have been achieved by cleverly exploiting symmetry in the enumeration phase of … Read more

Complexity of cutting planes and branch-and-bound in mixed-integer optimization

We investigate the theoretical complexity of branch-and-bound (BB) and cutting plane (CP) algorithms for mixed-integer optimization. In particular, we study the relative efficiency of BB and CP, when both are based on the same family of disjunctions. We extend a result of Dash to the nonlinear setting which shows that for convex 0/1 problems, CP … Read more