Linear conic formulations for two-party correlations and values of nonlocal games

In this work we study the sets of two-party correlations generated from a Bell scenario involving two spatially separated systems with respect to various physical models. We show that the sets of classical, quantum, no-signaling and unrestricted correlations can be expressed as projections of affine sections of appropriate convex cones. As a by-product, we identify … Read more

Diffusion Methods for Classification with Pairwise Relationships

We define two algorithms for propagating information in classification problems with pairwise relationships. The algorithms involve contraction maps and are related to non-linear diffusion and random walks on graphs. The approach is also related to message passing and mean field methods. The algorithms we describe are guaranteed to converge on graphs with arbitrary topology. Moreover … Read more

Solving Vertex Coloring Problems as Maximum Weight Stable Set Problems

In Vertex Coloring Problems, one is required to assign a color to each vertex of an undirected graph in such a way that adjacent vertices receive different colors, and the objective is to minimize the cost of the used colors. In this work we solve four different coloring problems formulated as Maximum Weight Stable Set … Read more

Lower Bounding Procedures for the Single Allocation Hub Location Problem

This paper proposes a new lower bounding procedure for the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem based on Lagrangean relaxation. For solving the resulting Lagrangean subproblem, the given problem structure is exploited: it can be decomposed into smaller subproblems that can be solved efficiently by combinatorial algorithms. Our computational experiments for some benchmark instances demonstrate … Read more

Approximation of Knapsack Problems with Conflict and Forcing Graphs

We study the classical 0-1 knapsack problem with additional restrictions on pairs of items. A conflict constraint states that from a certain pair of items at most one item can be contained in a feasible solution. Reversing this condition, we obtain a forcing constraint stating that at least one of the two items must be … Read more

Bounds on the stability number of a graph via the inverse theta function

In the paper we consider degree, spectral, and semide finite bounds on the stability number of a graph. The bounds are obtained via reformulations and variants of the inverse theta function, a notion recently introduced by the author in a previous work. Article Download View Bounds on the stability number of a graph via the inverse … Read more

Analyzing Node-Weighted Oblivious Matching Problem via Continuous LP with Jump Discontinuity

We prove the first non-trivial performance ratio strictly above 0.5 for the weighted Ranking algorithm on the oblivious matching problem where nodes in a general graph can have arbitrary weights. We have discovered a new structural property of the ranking algorithm: if a node has two unmatched neighbors, then it will still be matched even … Read more

On the shortest path game

In this work we address a game theoretic variant of the shortest path problem, in which two decision makers (agents/players) move together along the edges of a graph from a given starting vertex to a given destination. The two players take turns in deciding in each vertex which edge to traverse next. The decider in … Read more

Eigenvalue, Quadratic Programming, and Semidefinite Programming Relaxations for a Cut Minimization Problem

We consider the problem of partitioning the node set of a graph into $k$ sets of given sizes in order to \emph{minimize the cut} obtained using (removing) the $k$-th set. If the resulting cut has value $0$, then we have obtained a vertex separator. This problem is closely related to the graph partitioning problem. In … Read more

On Blocking and Anti-Blocking Polyhedra in Infinite Dimensions

We consider the natural generalizations of blocking and anti-blocking polyhedra in infinite dimensions, and study issues related to duality and integrality of extreme points for these sets. Using appropriate finite truncations, we give conditions under which complementary slackness holds for primal-dual pairs of the infi nite linear programming problems associated with infi nite blocking and anti-blocking polyhedra. … Read more