Adaptive Consensus: A network pruning approach for decentralized optimization

We consider network-based decentralized optimization problems, where each node in the network possesses a local function and the objective is to collectively attain a consensus solution that minimizes the sum of all the local functions. A major challenge in decentralized optimization is the reliance on communication which remains a considerable bottleneck in many applications. To … Read more

Sufficient Conditions for Lipschitzian Error Bounds for Complementarity Systems

We are concerned with Lipschitzian error bounds and Lipschitzian stability properties for solutions of a complementarity system. For this purpose, we deal with a nonsmooth slack-variable reformulation of the complementarity system, and study conditions under which the reformulation serves as a local error bound for the solution set of the complementarity system. We also discuss … Read more

Bilevel Hyperparameter Optimization for Nonlinear Support Vector Machines

While the problem of tuning the hyperparameters of a support vector machine (SVM) via cross-validation is easily understood as a bilevel optimization problem, so far, the corresponding literature has mainly focused on the linear-kernel case. In this paper, we establish a theoretical framework for the development of bilevel optimization-based methods for tuning the hyperparameters of … Read more

Information Complexity of Mixed-integer Convex Optimization

We investigate the information complexity of mixed-integer convex optimization under different types of oracles. We establish new lower bounds for the standard first-order oracle, improving upon the previous best known lower bound. This leaves only a lower order linear term (in the dimension) as the gap between the lower and upper bounds. This is derived … Read more

Transformation of Bilevel Optimization Problems into Single-Level Ones

Bilevel optimization problems are hierarchical problems with a constraint set which is a subset of the graph of the solution set mapping of a second optimization problem. To investigate their properties and derive solution algorithms, their transformation into single-level ones is necessary. For this, various approaches have been developed. The rst and most often used … Read more

Duality of upper bounds in stochastic dynamic programming

For multistage stochastic programming problems with stagewise independent uncertainty, dynamic programming algorithms calculate polyhedral approximations for the value functions at each stage.  The SDDP algorithm provides piecewise linear lower bounds, in the spirit of the L-shaped algorithm, and corresponding upper bounds took a longer time to appear.  One strategy uses the primal dynamic programming recursion … Read more

Exact convergence rate of the last iterate in subgradient methods

\(\) We study the convergence of the last iterate in subgradient methods applied to the minimization of a nonsmooth convex function with bounded subgradients. We first introduce a proof technique that generalizes the standard analysis of subgradient methods. It is based on tracking the distance between the current iterate and a different reference point at … Read more

Inexact Direct-Search Methods for Bilevel Optimization Problems

In this work, we introduce new direct search schemes for the solution of bilevel optimization (BO) problems. Our methods rely on a fixed accuracy black box oracle for the lower-level problem, and deal both with smooth and potentially nonsmooth true objectives. We thus analyze for the first time in the literature direct search schemes in … Read more

On the Computation of Restricted Normal Cones

Restricted normal cones are of interest, for instance, in the theory of local error bounds, where they have recently been used to characterize the exis- tence of a constrained Lipschitzian error bound. In this paper, we establish rela- tions between two concepts for restricted normals. The first of these concepts was introduced in the late … Read more

Inverse Optimization for Routing Problems

We propose a method for learning decision-makers’ behavior in routing problems using Inverse Optimization (IO). The IO framework falls into the supervised learning category and builds on the premise that the target behavior is an optimizer of an unknown cost function. This cost function is to be learned through historical data, and in the context … Read more