Characterizations of Mixed Binary Convex Quadratic Representable Sets

Representability results play a fundamental role in optimization since they provide characterizations of the feasible sets that arise from optimization problems. In this paper we study the sets that appear in the feasibility version of mixed binary convex quadratic optimization problems. We provide a complete characterization of the sets that can be obtained as the … Read more

Generalized Symmetric ADMM for Separable Convex Optimization

The Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) has been proved to be effective for solving separable convex optimization subject to linear constraints. In this paper, we propose a Generalized Symmetric ADMM (GS-ADMM), which updates the Lagrange multiplier twice with suitable stepsizes, to solve the multi-block separable convex programming. This GS-ADMM partitions the data into two … Read more

Dynamic Spectrum Management: A Complete Complexity Characterization

Consider a multi-user multi-carrier communication system where multiple users share multiple discrete subcarriers. To achieve high spectrum efficiency, the users in the system must choose their transmit power dynamically in response to fast channel fluctuations. Assuming perfect channel state information, two formulations for the spectrum management (power control) problem are considered in this paper: the … Read more

The Multilinear polytope for acyclic hypergraphs

We consider the Multilinear polytope defined as the convex hull of the set of binary points satisfying a collection of multilinear equations. Such sets are of fundamental importance in many types of mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems, such as binary polynomial optimization. Utilizing an equivalent hypergraph representation, we study the facial structure of the Multilinear polytope … Read more

Global Optimization in Hilbert Space

This paper proposes a complete-search algorithm for solving a class of non-convex, possibly infinite-dimensional, optimization problems to global optimality. We assume that the optimization variables are in a bounded subset of a Hilbert space, and we determine worst-case run-time bounds for the algorithm under certain regularity conditions of the cost functional and the constraint set. … Read more

Kronecker Product Constraints for Semidefinite Optimization

We consider semidefinite optimization problems that include constraints that G(x) and H(x) are positive semidefinite (PSD), where the components of the symmetric matrices G(x) and H(x) are affine functions of an n-vector x. In such a case we obtain a new constraint that a matrix K(x,X) is PSD, where the components of K(x,X) are affine … Read more

Ellipsoidal Mixed-Integer Representability

Representability results for mixed-integer linear systems play a fundamental role in optimization since they give geometric characterizations of the feasible sets that can be formulated by mixed-integer linear programming. We consider a natural extension of mixed-integer linear systems obtained by adding just one ellipsoidal inequality. The set of points that can be described, possibly using … Read more

On Decomposability of Multilinear Sets

In this paper, we consider the Multilinear set defined as the set of binary points satisfying a collection of multilinear equations. Such sets appear in factorable reformulations of many types of nonconvex optimization problems, including binary polynomial optimization. A great simplification in studying the facial structure of the convex hull of the Multilinear set is … Read more

On Approximation Algorithms for Concave Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming

Concave Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming is the problem of minimizing a concave quadratic polynomial over the mixed-integer points in a polyhedral region. In this work we describe an algorithm that finds an ε-approximate solution to a Concave Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming problem. The running time of the proposed algorithm is polynomial in the size of the problem … Read more

The complexity of simple models – a study of worst and typical hard cases for the Standard Quadratic Optimization Problem

In a Standard Quadratic Optimization Problem (StQP), a possibly indefinite quadratic form (the simplest nonlinear function) is extremized over the standard simplex, the simplest polytope. Despite this simplicity, the nonconvex instances of this problem class allow for remarkably rich patterns of coexisting local solutions, which are closely related to practical difficulties in solving StQPs globally. … Read more