Exact SDP Relaxations with Truncated Moment Matrix for Binary Polynomial Optimization Problems

For binary polynomial optimization problems (POPs) of degree $d$ with $n$ variables, we prove that the $\lceil(n+d-1)/2\rceil$th semidefinite (SDP) relaxation in Lasserre’s hierarchy of the SDP relaxations provides the exact optimal value. If binary POPs involve only even-degree monomials, we show that it can be further reduced to $\lceil(n+d-2)/2\rceil$. This bound on the relaxation order … Read more

Local Nonglobal Minima for Solving Large Scale Extended Trust Region Subproblems

We study large scale extended trust region subproblems (eTRS) i.e., the minimization of a general quadratic function subject to a norm constraint, known as the trust region subproblem (TRS) but with an additional linear inequality constraint. It is well known that strong duality holds for the TRS and that there are efficient algorithms for solving … Read more

Column Generation based Alternating Direction Methods for solving MINLPs

Traditional decomposition based branch-and-bound algorithms, like branch-and-price, can be very efficient if the duality gap is not too large. However, if this is not the case, the branch-and-bound tree may grow rapidly, preventing the method to find a good solution. In this paper, we present a new decompositon algorithm, called ADGO (Alternating Direction Global Optimization … Read more

A Fast Eigenvalue Approach for Solving the Trust Region Subproblem with an Additional Linear Inequality

In this paper, we study the extended trust region subproblem (eTRS) in which the trust region intersects the unit ball with a single linear inequality constraint. By reformulating the Lagrangian dual of eTRS as a two-parameter linear eigenvalue problem, we state a necessary and sufficient condition for its strong duality in terms of an optimal … Read more

Coercive polynomials: Stability, order of growth, and Newton polytopes

In this article we introduce a stability concept for the coercivity of multivariate polynomials $f \in \mathbb{R}[x]$. In particular, we consider perturbations of $f$ by polynomials up to the so-called degree of stable coercivity, and we analyze this stability concept in terms of the corresponding Newton polytopes at infinity. For coercive polynomials $f \in \mathbb{R}[x]$ … Read more

Mixed Integer Programming for the Global Solution of the Economic Load Dispatch Problem With Valve-Point Effect

Optimal distribution of power among generating units to meet a specific demand subject to system constraints is an ongoing research topic in the power system community. The problem, even in a static setting, turns out to be hard to solve with conventional optimization methods owing to the consideration of valve-point effects, which make the cost … Read more

DC Decomposition of Nonconvex Polynomials with Algebraic Techniques

We consider the problem of decomposing a multivariate polynomial as the difference of two convex polynomials. We introduce algebraic techniques which reduce this task to linear, second order cone, and semidefinite programming. This allows us to optimize over subsets of valid difference of convex decompositions (dcds) and find ones that speed up the convex-concave procedure … Read more

New Formulation and Strong MISOCP Relaxations for AC Optimal Transmission Switching Problem

As the modern transmission control and relay technologies evolve, transmission line switching has become an important option in power system operators’ toolkits to reduce operational cost and improve system reliability. Most recent research has relied on the DC approximation of the power flow model in the optimal transmission switching problem. However, it is known that … Read more

On the convergence rate of grid search for polynomial optimization over the simplex

We consider the approximate minimization of a given polynomial on the standard simplex, obtained by taking the minimum value over all rational grid points with given denominator ${r} \in \mathbb{N}$. It was shown in [De Klerk, E., Laurent, M., Sun, Z.: An error analysis for polynomial optimization over the simplex based on the multivariate hypergeometric … Read more

Stochastically Constrained Simulation Optimization On Integer-Ordered Spaces: The cgR-SPLINE Algorithm

We consider the problem of identifying the solution(s) to an optimization problem whose domain is a subset of the integer lattice, and whose objective and constraint functions can only be observed using a stochastic simulation. Such problems seem particularly prevalent (see www.simopt.org) within service systems having capacity or service-level constraints. We present cgR-SPLINE — a … Read more