Min-max-min Robust Combinatorial Optimization

The idea of k-adaptability in two-stage robust optimization is to calculate a fixed number k of second-stage policies here-and-now. After the actual scenario is revealed, the best of these policies is selected. This idea leads to a min-max-min problem. In this paper, we consider the case where no first stage variables exist and propose to … Read more

A MAX-CUT formulation of 0/1 programs

We consider the linear or quadratic 0/1 program \[P:\quad f^*=\min\{ c^Tx+x^TFx : \:A\,x =\b;\:x\in\{0,1\}^n\},\] for some vectors $c\in R^n$, $b\in Z^m$, some matrix $A\in Z^{m\times n}$ and some real symmetric matrix $F\in R^{n\times n}$. We show that $P$ can be formulated as a MAX-CUT problem whose quadratic form criterion is explicit from the data of … Read more

Reoptimization Techniques for MIP Solvers

Recently, there have been many successful applications of optimization algorithms that solve a sequence of quite similar mixed-integer programs (MIPs) as subproblems. Traditionally, each problem in the sequence is solved from scratch. In this paper we consider reoptimization techniques that try to benefit from information obtained by solving previous problems of the sequence. We focus … Read more

Sparse optimization for inverse problems in atmospheric modelling

We consider inverse problems in atmospheric modelling. Instead of using the ordinary least squares, we add a weighting matrix based on the topology of measurement points and show the connection with Bayesian modelling. Since the source–receptor sensitivity matrix is usually ill-conditioned, the problem is often regularized, either by perturbing the objective function or by modifying … Read more

An ILP-based local search procedure for the VRP with pickups and deliveries

In this paper we address the Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickups and Deliveries (VRPPD), an extension of the classical Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) where we consider precedences among customers, and develop an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) based local search procedure. We consider the capacitated one-to-one variant, where a particular precedence must be satisfied between pairs … Read more

Submodular Minimization in the Context of Modern LP and MILP Methods and Solvers

We consider the application of mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) solvers to the minimization of submodular functions. We evaluate common large-scale linear-programming (LP) techniques (e.g., column generation, row generation, dual stabilization) for solving a LP reformulation of the submodular minimization (SM) problem. We present heuristics based on the LP framework and a MILP solver. We evaluated … Read more

Maximizing a class of submodular utility functions with constraints

Motivated by stochastic 0-1 integer programming problems with an expected utility objective, we study the mixed-integer nonlinear set: $P = \cset{(w,x)\in \reals \times \set{0,1}^N}{w \leq f(a’x + d), b’x \leq B}$ where $N$ is a positive integer, $f:\reals \mapsto \reals$ is a concave function, $a, b \in \reals^N$ are nonnegative vectors, $d$ is a real … Read more

Lower Bounding Procedures for the Single Allocation Hub Location Problem

This paper proposes a new lower bounding procedure for the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem based on Lagrangean relaxation. For solving the resulting Lagrangean subproblem, the given problem structure is exploited: it can be decomposed into smaller subproblems that can be solved efficiently by combinatorial algorithms. Our computational experiments for some benchmark instances demonstrate … Read more

Mathematical Programming Models Based on Hub Covers in Graph Query Processing

The use of graph databases for social networks, images, web links, pathways and so on, has been increasing at a fast pace and promotes the need for efficient graph query processing on such databases. In this study, we discuss graph query processing — referred to as graph matching — and an inherent optimization problem known … Read more

A Compact Linearisation of Euclidean Single Allocation Hub Location Problems

Hub location problems are strategic network planning problems. They formalise the challenge of mutually exchanging shipments between a large set of depots. The aim is to choose a set of hubs (out of a given set of possible hubs) and connect every depot to a hub so that the total transport costs for exchanging shipments … Read more