Exact and Heuristic Approaches for Directional Sensor Control

Directional sensors are gaining importance due to applications, in- cluding surveillance, detection, and tracking. Such sensors have a limited fi eld-of-view and a discrete set of directions they can be pointed to. The Directional Sensor Control problem (DSCP) consists in assigning a direction of view to each sensor. The location of the targets is known with … Read more

The Freight Train Routing Problem

We consider the following freight train routing problem (FTRP). Given is a transportation network with fixed routes for passenger trains and a set of freight trains (requests), each defined by an origin and destination station pair. The objective is to calculate a feasible route for each freight train such that a sum of all expected … Read more

On the Separation of Split Inequalities for Non-Convex Quadratic Integer Programming

We investigate the computational potential of split inequalities for non-convex quadratic integer programming, first introduced by Letchford and further examined by Burer and Letchford. These inequalities can be separated by solving convex quadratic integer minimization problems. For small instances with box-constraints, we show that the resulting dual bounds are very tight; they can close a … Read more

A Unified View on Relaxations for a Nonlinear Network Flow Problem

We consider a nonlinear nonconvex network flow problem that arises, for example, in natural gas or water transmission networks. Given is such network with active and passive components, that is, valves, compressors, pressure regulators (active) and pipelines (passive), and a desired amount of flow at certain specified entry and exit nodes of the network. Besides … Read more

On Minimal Valid Inequalities for Mixed Integer Conic Programs

We study mixed integer conic sets involving a general regular (closed, convex, full dimensional, and pointed) cone K such as the nonnegative orthant, the Lorentz cone or the positive semidefinite cone. In a unified framework, we introduce K-minimal inequalities and show that under mild assumptions, these inequalities together with the trivial cone-implied inequalities are sufficient … Read more

Mixed Integer Second-Order Cone Programming Formulations for Variable Selection

This paper concerns the method of selecting the best subset of explanatory variables in a multiple linear regression model. To evaluate a subset regression model, some goodness-of-fit measures, e.g., adjusted R^2, AIC and BIC, are generally employed. Although variable selection is usually handled via a stepwise regression method, the method does not always provide the … Read more

A Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming Framework for Fixed Path Coordination of Multiple Underwater Vehicles under Acoustic Communication Constraints

Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) techniques are increasingly used to address challenging problems in robotics, especially Multi-Vehicle Motion Planning (MVMP). The main contribution of this paper is a discrete time-distributed Receding Horizon Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (RH-MINLP) formulation of the underwater multi-vehicle path coordination problem with constraints on kinematics, dynamics, collision avoidance, and acoustic communication … Read more

Closedness of Integer Hulls of Simple Conic Sets

Let $C$ be a full-dimensional pointed closed convex cone in $R^m$ obtained by taking the conic hull of a strictly convex set. Given $A \in Q^{m \times n_1}$, $B \in Q^{m \times n_2}$ and $b \in Q^m$, a simple conic mixed-integer set (SCMIS) is a set of the form $\{(x,y)\in Z^{n_1} \times R^{n_2}\,|\,\ Ax +By … Read more

Cutting-planes for optimization of convex functions over nonconvex sets

Motivated by mixed-integer, nonlinear optimization problems, we derive linear inequality characterizations for sets of the form conv{(x, q ) \in R^d × R : q \in Q(x), x \in R^d – int(P )} where Q is convex and differentiable and P \subset R^d . We show that in several cases our characterization leads to polynomial-time … Read more

Analysis of MILP Techniques for the Pooling Problem

The $pq$-relaxation for the pooling problem can be constructed by applying McCormick envelopes for each of the bilinear terms appearing in the so-called $pq$-formulation of the pooling problem. This relaxation can be strengthened by using piecewise-linear functions that over- and under-estimate each bilinear term. The resulting relaxation can be written as a mixed integer linear … Read more