Global Routing in VLSI Design: Algorithms, Theory, and Computational Practice

Global routing in VLSI (very large scale integration) design is one of the most challenging discrete optimization problems in computational theory and practice. In this paper, we present a polynomial time algorithm for the global routing problem based on integer programming formulation with a theoretical approximation bound. The algorithm ensures that all routing demands are … Read more

A note on the MIR closure and basic relaxations of polyhedra

Anderson, Cornuejols and Li (2005) show that for a polyhedral mixed integer set defined by a constraint system Ax >= b, where x is n-dimensional, along with integrality restrictions on some of the variables, any split cut is in fact a split cut for a “basic relaxation”, i.e., one defined by a subset of linearly … Read more

Integer-empty polytopes in the 0/1-cube with maximal Gomory-Chvátal rank

We provide a complete characterization of all polytopes P ⊆ [0,1]^n with empty integer hull whose Gomory-Chvátal rank is n (and, therefore, maximal). In particular, we show that the first Gomory- Chvátal closure of all these polytopes is identical. Article Download View Integer-empty polytopes in the 0/1-cube with maximal Gomory-Chvátal rank

An Exact Penalty Global Optimization Approach for Mixed-Integer Programming Problems

In this work, we propose a global optimization approach for mixed-integer programming problems. To this aim, we preliminarily de ne an exact penalty algorithm model for globally solving general problems and we show its convergence properties. Then, we describe a particular version of the algorithm that solves mixed integer problems. Citation DIS Technical Report n. 17, … Read more

A Branch-and-Price Approach to the k-Clustering Minimum Biclique Completion Problem

Given a bipartite graph G = (S , T , E ), we consider the problem of finding k bipartite subgraphs, called clusters, such that each vertex i of S appears in exactly one of them, every vertex j of T appears in each cluster in which at least one of its neighbors appears, and … Read more

Formulations for Dynamic Lot Sizing with Service Levels

In this paper, we study deterministic dynamic lot-sizing problems with service level constraints on the total number of periods in which backorders can occur over the finite planning horizon. We give a natural mixed integer programming formulation for the single item problem (LS-SL-I) and study the structure of its solution. We show that an optimal … Read more


We consider the problem of minimizing a continuously differentiable function of several variables subject to simple bound constraints where some of the variables are restricted to take integer values. We assume that the first order derivatives of the objective function can be neither calculated nor approximated explicitly. This class of mixed integer nonlinear optimization problems … Read more

The Maximum k-Colorable Subgraph Problem and Orbitopes

Given an undirected node-weighted graph and a positive integer k, the maximum k-colorable subgraph probem is to select a k-colorable induced subgraph of largest weight. The natural integer programming formulation for this problem exhibits a high degree of symmetry which arises by permuting the color classes. It is well known that such symmetry has negative … Read more

Symmetry in Scheduling Problems

The presence of symmetry is common in certain types of scheduling problems. Symmetry can occur when one is scheduling a collection of jobs on multiple identical machines, or if one is determining production schedules for identical machines. General symmetry-breaking methods can be strengthened by taking advantage of the special structure of the symmetry group in … Read more

Partial Convexification of General MIPs by Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulation

Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition is well-known to provide strong dual bounds for specially structured mixed integer programs (MIPs) in practice. However, the method is not part of any state-of-the-art MIP solver: it needs tailoring to the particular problem; the typical bordered block-diagonal matrix structure determines the decomposition; the resulting column generation subproblems need to be solved efficiently; … Read more