On convex relaxations of quadrilinear terms

The best known method to find exact or at least epsilon-approximate solutions to polynomial programming problems is the spatial Branch-and-Bound algorithm, which rests on computing lower bounds to the value of the objective function to be minimized on each region that it explores. These lower bounds are often computed by solving convex relaxations of the … Read more

Optimal Security Response to Attacks on Open Science Grids

Cybersecurity is a growing concern, especially in open grids, where attack propagation is easy because of prevalent collaborations among thousands of users and hundreds of institutions. The collaboration rules that typically govern large science experiments as well as social networks of scientists span across the institutional security boundaries. A common concern is that the increased … Read more

Stochastic binary problems with simple penalties for capacity constraints violations

This paper studies stochastic programs with first-stage binary variables and capacity constraints, using simple penalties for capacities violations. In particular, we take a closer look at the knapsack problem with weights and capacity following independent random variables and prove that the problem is weakly \NP-hard in general. We provide pseudo-polynomial algorithms for three special cases … Read more

Information-Based Branching Schemes for Binary Linear Mixed Integer Problems

Branching variable selection can greatly a ffect the eff ectiveness and efficiency of a branch-and- bound algorithm. Traditional approaches to branching variable selection rely on estimating the eff ect of the candidate variables on the objective function. We propose an approach which is empowered by exploiting the information contained in a family of fathomed subproblems, collected beforehand from … Read more

The Multidimensional Knapsack Problem: Structure and Algorithms

We study the multidimensional knapsack problem, present some theoretical and empirical results about its structure, and evaluate different Integer Linear Programming (ILP) based, metaheuristic, and collaborative approaches for it. We start by considering the distances between optimal solutions to the LP-relaxation and the original problem and then introduce a new core concept for the MKP, … Read more

On Mixing Sets Arising in Chance-Constrained Programming

The mixing set with a knapsack constraint arises in deterministic equivalent of probabilistic programming problems with finite discrete distributions. We first consider the case that the probabilistic program has equal probabilities for each scenario. We study the resulting mixing set with a cardinality constraint and propose facet-defining inequalities that subsume known explicit inequalities for this … Read more

The master equality polyhedron with multiple rows

The master equality polyhedron (MEP) is a canonical set that generalizes the Master Cyclic Group Polyhedron (MCGP) of Gomory. We recently characterized a nontrivial polar for the MEP, i.e., a polyhedron T such that an inequality denotes a nontrivial facet of the MEP if and only if its coefficient vector forms a vertex of T. … Read more

Modeling the Mobile Oil Recovery Problem as a Multiobjective Vehicle Routing Problem

The Mobile Oil Recovery (MOR) unit is a truck able to pump marginal wells in a petrol field. The goal of the MOR optimization Problem (MORP) is to optimize both the oil extraction and the travel costs. We describe several formulations for the MORP using a single vehicle or a fleet of vehicles. We have … Read more

The Integer Approximation Error in Mixed-Integer Optimal Control

We extend recent work on nonlinear optimal control problems with integer restrictions on some of the control functions (mixed-integer optimal control problems, MIOCP) in two ways. We improve a theorem that states that the solution of a relaxed and convexified problem can be approximated with arbitrary precision by a solution fulfilling the integer requirements. Unlike … Read more

A New Relaxation Framework for Quadratic Assignment Problems based on Matrix Splitting

Quadratic assignment problems (QAPs) are among the hardest discrete optimization problems. Recent study shows that even obtaining a strong lower bound for QAPs is a computational challenge. In this paper, we first discuss how to construct new simple convex relaxations of QAPs based on various matrix splitting schemes. Then we introduce the so-called symmetric mappings … Read more