Polyhedral Approximation of Ellipsoidal Uncertainty Sets via Extended Formulations – a computational case study –

Robust optimization is an important technique to immunize optimization problems against data uncertainty. In the case of a linear program and an ellipsoidal uncertainty set, the robust counterpart turns into a second-order cone program. In this work, we investigate the efficiency of linearizing the second-order cone constraints of the latter. This is done using the … Read more

Mixed Integer Second-Order Cone Programming Formulations for Variable Selection

This paper concerns the method of selecting the best subset of explanatory variables in a multiple linear regression model. To evaluate a subset regression model, some goodness-of-fit measures, e.g., adjusted R^2, AIC and BIC, are generally employed. Although variable selection is usually handled via a stepwise regression method, the method does not always provide the … Read more

The Trust Region Subproblem with Non-Intersecting Linear Constraints

This paper studies an extended trust region subproblem (eTRS)in which the trust region intersects the unit ball with m linear inequality constraints. When m=0, m=1, or m=2 and the linear constraints are parallel, it is known that the eTRS optimal value equals the optimal value of a particular convex relaxation, which is solvable in polynomial … Read more


Recently, the globally uniquely solvable (GUS) property of the linear transformation $M\in R^{n\times n}$ in the second-order cone linear complementarity problem (SOCLCP) receives much attention and has been studied substantially. Yang and Yuan [30] contributed a new characterization of the GUS property of the linear transformation, which is formulated by basic linear-algebra-related properties. In this … Read more

On Families of Quadratic Surfaces Having Fixed Intersections with Two Hyperplanes

We investigate families of quadrics that have fixed intersections with two given hyper-planes. The cases when the two hyperplanes are parallel and when they are nonparallel are discussed. We show that these families can be described with only one parameter. In particular we show how the quadrics are transformed as the parameter changes. This research … Read more

A conic representation of the convex hull of disjunctive sets and conic cuts for integer second order cone optimization

We study the convex hull of the intersection of a convex set E and a linear disjunction. This intersection is at the core of solution techniques for Mixed Integer Conic Optimization. We prove that if there exists a cone K (resp., a cylinder C) that has the same intersection with the boundary of the disjunction … Read more

An efficient matrix splitting method for the second-order cone complementarity problem

Given a symmetric and positive (semi)definite $n$-by-$n$ matrix $M$ and a vector, in this paper, we consider the matrix splitting method for solving the second-order cone linear complementarity problem (SOCLCP). The matrix splitting method is among the most widely used approaches for large scale and sparse classical linear complementarity problems (LCP), and its linear convergence … Read more

Warmstarting the Homogeneous and Self-Dual Interior Point Method for Linear and Conic Quadratic Problems

We present two strategies for warmstarting primal-dual interior point methods for the homogeneous self-dual model when applied to mixed linear and quadratic conic optimization problems. Common to both strategies is their use of only the final (optimal) iterate of the initial problem and their negligible computational cost. This is a major advantage when comparing to … Read more

Strong formulations for convex functions over nonconvex sets

In this paper we derive strong linear inequalities for sets of the form {(x, q) ∈ R^d × R : q ≥ Q(x), x ∈ R^d − int(P ) }, where Q(x) : R^d → R is a quadratic function, P ⊂ R^d and “int” denotes interior. Of particular but not exclusive interest is the … Read more

Differentiable exact penalty functions for nonlinear second-order cone programs

We propose a method to solve nonlinear second-order cone programs (SOCPs), based on a continuously differentiable exact penalty function. The construction of the penalty function is given by incorporating a multipliers estimate in the augmented Lagrangian for SOCPs. Under the nondegeneracy assumption and the strong second-order sufficient condition, we show that a generalized Newton method … Read more