Numerical Study of Affine Supply Function Equilibrium in AC Network-Constrained Markets

An affine supply function equilibrium (SFE) approach is used to discuss voltage constraints and reactive power issues in the modeling of strategic behavior. Generation companies (GenCos) can choose their bid parameters with no restrictions for both energy and spinning reserves. The strategic behavior of generators is formulated as a multi-leader single-follower game. Each GenCo is … Read more

LANCELOt_simple, a simple interface to LANCELOT B

We describe LANCELOT_simple, an interface to the LANCELOT B nonlinear optimization package within the GALAHAD} library (Gould, Orban, Toint, 2003) which ignores problem structure. The result is an easy-to-use Fortran 90 subroutine, with a small number of intuitively interpretable arguments. However, since structure is ignored, the means of presenting problems to the solver limited and … Read more

Two theoretical results for sequential semidefinite programming

We examine the local convergence of a sequential semidefinite programming approach for solving nonlinear programs with nonlinear semidefiniteness constraints. Known convergence results are extended to slightly weaker second order sufficient conditions and the resulting subproblems are shown to have local convexity properties that imply a weak form of self-concordance of the barrier subproblems. Citation Preprint, … Read more

Combining segment generation with direct step-and-shoot optimization in intensity-modulated radiation therapy

A method for generating a sequence of intensity-modulated radiation therapy step-and-shoot plans with increasing number of segments is presented. The objectives are to generate high-quality plans with few, large and regular segments, and to make the planning process more intuitive. The proposed method combines segment generation with direct step-and-shoot optimization, where leaf positions and segment … Read more

On the solution of fuzzy bilevel programming problems

In this paper we formulate the fuzzy bilevel programming problem and describe one possible approach for formulating a crisp optimization problem being attached to it. Due to the nature of fuzzy bilevel programming this is a crisp bilevel programming problem. We compare our approach with one using multicriterial optimization and show, that both approaches are … Read more

A Filter Active-Set Trust-Region Method

We develop a new active-set method for nonlinear programming problems that solves a regularized linear program to predict the active set and then fixes the active constraints to solve an equality-constrained quadratic program for fast convergence. Global convergence is promoted through the use of a filter. We show that the regularization parameter fulfills the same … Read more

Optimization by the Fixed-Point Method, Version 2.17

Abstract: After developing necessary background theory, the original primal and dual are specified, and the invariant primal and dual LP’s are defined. Pairs of linear mappings are defined which establish an effectively one-to-one correspondences between solutions to the original and invariant problems. The invariant problems are recast as a fixed-point problem and precise solution conditions … Read more

The extremal volume ellipsoids of convex bodies, their symmetry properties, and their determination in some special cases

A convex body K has associated with it a unique circumscribed ellipsoid CE(K) with minimum volume, and a unique inscribed ellipsoid IE(K) with maximum volume. We first give a unified, modern exposition of the basic theory of these extremal ellipsoids using the semi-infinite programming approach pioneered by Fritz John in his seminal 1948 paper. We … Read more

An Active-Set Algorithm for Nonlinear Programming Using Parametric Linear Programming

This paper describes an active-set algorithm for nonlinear programming that solves a parametric linear programming subproblem at each iteration to generate an estimate of the active set. A step is then computed by solving an equality constrained quadratic program based on this active-set estimate. This approach respresents an extension of the standard sequential linear-quadratic programming … Read more

Local convergence for alternating and averaged nonconvex projections

The idea of a finite collection of closed sets having “strongly regular intersection” at a given point is crucial in variational analysis. We show that this central theoretical tool also has striking algorithmic consequences. Specifically, we consider the case of two sets, one of which we assume to be suitably “regular” (special cases being convex … Read more