Accelerated projected gradient algorithms for sparsity constrained optimization problems

\(\) We consider the projected gradient algorithm for the nonconvex best subset selection problem that minimizes a given empirical loss function under an \(\ell_0\)-norm constraint. Through decomposing the feasible set of the given sparsity constraint as a finite union of linear subspaces, we present two acceleration schemes with global convergence guarantees, one by same-space extrapolation … Read more

Continuous Equality Knapsack with Probit-Style Objectives

We study continuous, equality knapsack problems with uniform separable, non-convex objective functions that are continuous, strictly increasing, antisymmetric about a point, and have concave and convex regions. For example, this model captures a simple allocation problem with the goal of optimizing an expected value where the objective is a sum of cumulative distribution functions of … Read more

A Projected-Search Interior Method for Nonlinear Optimization

This paper concerns the formulation and analysis of a new interior method for general nonlinearly constrained optimization that combines a shifted primal-dual interior method with a projected-search method for bound-constrained optimization. The method involves the computation of an approximate Newton direction for a primal-dual penalty-barrier function that incorporates shifts on both the primal and dual … Read more

Inexact Penalty Decomposition Methods for Optimization Problems with Geometric Constraints

This paper provides a theoretical and numerical investigation of a penalty decomposition scheme for the solution of optimization problems with geometric constraints. In particular, we consider someĀ  situations where parts of the constraints are nonconvex and complicated, like cardinality constraints, disjunctive programs, or matrix problems involving rank constraints. By a variable duplication andĀ  decomposition strategy, … Read more

Using Taylor-Approximated Gradients to Improve the Frank-Wolfe Method for Empirical Risk Minimization

\(\) The Frank-Wolfe method has become increasingly useful in statistical and machine learning applications, due to the structure-inducing properties of the iterates, and especially in settings where linear minimization over the feasible set is more computationally efficient than projection. In the setting of Empirical Risk Minimization — one of the fundamental optimization problems in statistical … Read more

Stochastic nested primal-dual method for nonconvex constrained composition optimization

\(\) In this paper we study the nonconvex constrained composition optimization, in which the objective contains a composition of two expected-value functions whose accurate information is normally expensive to calculate. We propose a STochastic nEsted Primal-dual (STEP) method for such problems. In each iteration, with an auxiliary variable introduced to track the inner layer function … Read more

A momentum-based linearized augmented Lagrangian method for nonconvex constrained stochastic optimization

Nonconvex constrained stochastic optimization has emerged in many important application areas. Subject to general functional constraints it minimizes the sum of an expectation function and a nonsmooth regularizer. Main challenges arise due to the stochasticity in the random integrand and the possibly nonconvex functional constraints. To address these issues we propose a momentum-based linearized augmented … Read more

Superiorization as a novel strategy for linearly constrained inverse radiotherapy treatment planning

Objective: We apply the superiorization methodology to the intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment planning problem. In superiorization, linear voxel dose inequality constraints are the fundamental modeling tool within which a feasibility-seeking projection algorithm will seek a feasible point. This algorithm is then perturbed with gradient descent steps to reduce a nonlinear objective function. Approach: Within … Read more

An Improved Unconstrained Approach for Bilevel Optimization

In this paper, we focus on the nonconvex-strongly-convex bilevel optimization problem (BLO). In this BLO, the objective function of the upper-level problem is nonconvex and possibly nonsmooth, and the lower-level problem is smooth and strongly convex with respect to the underlying variable $y$. We show that the feasible region of BLO is a Riemannian manifold. … Read more

An adaptive superfast inexact proximal augmented Lagrangian method for smooth nonconvex composite optimization problems

This work presents an adaptive superfast proximal augmented Lagrangian (AS-PAL) method for solving linearly-constrained smooth nonconvex composite optimization problems. Each iteration of AS-PAL inexactly solves a possibly nonconvex proximal augmented Lagrangian (AL) subproblem obtained by an aggressive/adaptive choice of prox stepsize with the aim of substantially improving its computational performance followed by a full Lagrangian … Read more