Stochastic Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization

In this paper we study stochastic quasi-Newton methods for nonconvex stochastic optimization, where we assume that noisy information about the gradients of the objective function is available via a stochastic first-order oracle ($\SFO$). We propose a general framework for such methods, for which we prove almost sure convergence to stationary points and analyze its worst-case … Read more

A derivative-free trust-region augmented Lagrangian algorithm

We present a new derivative-free trust-region (DFTR) algorithm to solve general nonlinear constrained problems with the use of an augmented Lagrangian method. No derivatives are used, neither for the objective function nor for the constraints. An augmented Lagrangian method, known as an effective tool to solve equality and inequality constrained optimization problems with derivatives, is … Read more

Globally Convergent Levenberg-Marquardt Method For Phase Retrieval

In this paper, we consider a nonlinear least squares model for the phase retrieval problem. Since the Hessian matrix may not be positive definite and the Gauss-Newton (GN) matrix is singular at any optimal solution, we propose a modified Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) method, where the Hessian is substituted by a summation of the GN matrix and … Read more

A Multilevel Proximal Gradient Algorithm for a Class of Composite Optimization Problems

Composite optimization models consist of the minimization of the sum of a smooth (not necessarily convex) function and a non-smooth convex function. Such models arise in many applications where, in addition to the composite nature of the objective function, a hierarchy of models is readily available. It is common to take advantage of this hierarchy … Read more

Solving Highly Detailed Gas Transport MINLPs: Block Separability and Penalty Alternating Direction Methods

Detailed modeling of gas transport problems leads to nonlinear and nonconvex mixed-integer optimization or feasibility models (MINLPs) because both the incorporation of discrete controls of the network as well as accurate physical and technical modeling is required in order to achieve practical solutions. Hence, ignoring certain parts of the physics model is not valid for … Read more

Regularized monotonic regression

Monotonic (isotonic) Regression (MR) is a powerful tool used for solving a wide range of important applied problems. One of its features, which poses a limitation on its use in some areas, is that it produces a piecewise constant fitted response. For smoothing the fitted response, we introduce a regularization term in the MR formulated … Read more

A progressive barrier derivative-free trust-region algorithm for constrained optimization

We study derivative-free constrained optimization problems and propose a trust-region method that builds linear or quadratic models around the best feasible and and around the best infeasible solutions found so far. These models are optimized within a trust region, and the progressive barrier methodology handles the constraints by progressively pushing the infeasible solutions toward the … Read more

A Second-Order Information-Based Gradient and Function Sampling Method for Nonconvex, Nonsmooth Optimization

This paper has the goal to propose a gradient and function sampling method that under special circumstances moves superlinearly to a minimizer of a general class of nonsmooth and nonconvex functions. We present global and local convergence theory with illustrative examples that corroborate and elucidate the theoretical results obtained along the manuscript. Article Download View … Read more

A Sparsity Preserving Convexification Procedure for Indefinite Quadratic Programs Arising in Direct Optimal Control

Quadratic programs (QP) with an indefinite Hessian matrix arise naturally in some direct optimal control methods, e.g. as subproblems in a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) scheme. Typically, the Hessian is approximated with a positive definite matrix to ensure having a unique solution; such a procedure is called \emph{regularization}. We present a novel regularization method tailored … Read more

Inexact Newton-Type Optimization with Iterated Sensitivities

This paper presents and analyzes an Inexact Newton-type optimization method based on Iterated Sensitivities (INIS). A particular class of Nonlinear Programming (NLP) problems is considered, where a subset of the variables is defined by nonlinear equality constraints. The proposed algorithm considers an arbitrary approximation for the Jacobian of these constraints. Unlike other inexact Newton methods, … Read more