Parallelizable Algorithms for Optimization Problems with Orthogonality Constraints

To construct a parallel approach for solving optimization problems with orthogonality constraints is usually regarded as an extremely difficult mission, due to the low scalability of the orthonormalization procedure. However, such demand is particularly huge in some application areas such as materials computation. In this paper, we propose a proximal linearized augmented Lagrangian algorithm (PLAM) … Read more

Rapid prototyping of parallel primal heuristics for domain specific MIPs: Application to maritime inventory routing

Parallel Alternating Criteria Search (PACS) relies on the combination of computer parallelism and Large Neighborhood Searches to attempt to deliver high quality solutions to any generic Mixed-Integer Program (MIP) quickly. While general-purpose primal heuristics are widely used due to their universal application, they are usually outperformed by domain-specific heuristics when optimizing a particular problem class. … Read more

Outer Approximation With Conic Certificates For Mixed-Integer Convex Problems

A mixed-integer convex (MI-convex) optimization problem is one that becomes convex when all integrality constraints are relaxed. We present a branch-and-bound LP outer approximation algorithm for an MI-convex problem transformed to MI-conic form. The polyhedral relaxations are refined with K* cuts} derived from conic certificates for continuous primal-dual conic subproblems. Under the assumption that all … Read more

Minimizing convex quadratics with variable precision Krylov methods

Iterative algorithms for the solution of convex quadratic optimization problems are investigated, which exploit inaccurate matrix-vector products. Theoretical bounds on the performance of a Conjugate Gradients and a Full-Orthormalization methods are derived, the necessary quantities occurring in the theoretical bounds estimated and new practical algorithms derived. Numerical experiments suggest that the new methods have significant … Read more

Decentralized Algorithms for Distributed Integer Programming Problems with a Coupling Cardinality Constraint

We consider a multi-player optimization where each player has her own optimization problem and the individual problems are connected by a cardinality constraint on their shared resources. We give distributed algorithms that allow each player to solve their own optimization problem and still achieve a global optimization solution for problems that possess a concavity property. … Read more

The Supporting Hyperplane Optimization Toolkit

In this paper, an open source solver for mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problems is presented. The Supporting Hyperplane Optimization Toolkit (SHOT) combines a dual strategy based on polyhedral outer approximations (POA) with primal heuristics. The outer approximation is achieved by expressing the nonlinear feasible set of the MINLP problem with linearizations obtained with the extended … Read more

Selection of variables in parallel space decomposition for the mesh adaptive direct search algorithm

The parallel space decomposition of the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm (PSDMADS proposed in 2008) is an asynchronous parallel method for constrained derivative-free optimization with large number of variables. It uses a simple generic strategy to decompose a problem into smaller dimension subproblems. The present work explores new strategies for selecting subset of variables defining … Read more

A Review and Comparison of Solvers for Convex MINLP

In this paper, we present a review of deterministic software for solving convex MINLP problems as well as a comprehensive comparison of a large selection of commonly available solvers. As a test set, we have used all MINLP instances classified as convex in the problem library MINLPLib, resulting in a test set of 366 convex … Read more

Sensitivity Analysis for Nonlinear Programming in CasADi

We present an extension of the CasADi numerical optimization framework that allows arbitrary order NLP sensitivities to be calculated automatically and efficiently. The approach, which can be used together with any NLP solver available in CasADi, is based on a sparse QR factorization and an implementation of a primal-dual active set method. The whole toolchain … Read more

A computational study of global optimization solvers on two trust region subproblems

One of the relevant research topics to which Chris Floudas contributed was quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP). This paper considers one of the simplest hard cases of QCQP, the two trust region subproblem (TTRS). In this case, one needs to minimize a quadratic function constrained by the intersection of two ellipsoids. The Lagrangian dual of … Read more