A classification method based on a cloud of spheres

In this article we propose a binary classification model to distinguish a specific class that corresponds to a characteristic that we intend to identify (fraud, spam, disease). The classification model is based on a cloud of spheres that circumscribes the points of the class to be identified. It is intended to build a model based … Read more

A Levenberg-Marquardt Method for Nonsmooth Regularized Least Squares

We develop a Levenberg-Marquardt method for minimizing the sum of a smooth nonlinear least-squares term \(f(x) = \frac{1}{2} \|F(x)\|_2^2\) and a nonsmooth term \(h\). Both \(f\) and \(h\) may be nonconvex. Steps are computed by minimizing the sum of a regularized linear least-squares model and a model of \(h\) using a first-order method such as … Read more

Inexact Proximal-Gradient Methods with Support Identification

We consider the proximal-gradient method for minimizing an objective function that is the sum of a smooth function and a non-smooth convex function. A feature that distinguishes our work from most in the literature is that we assume that the associated proximal operator does not admit a closed-form solution. To address this challenge, we study … Read more

Stochastic nested primal-dual method for nonconvex constrained composition optimization

In this paper we study the nonconvex constrained composition optimization, in which the objective contains a composition of two expected-value functions whose accurate information is normally expensive to calculate. We propose a STochastic nEsted Primal-dual (STEP) method for such problems. In each iteration, with an auxiliary variable introduced to track the inner layer function values … Read more