Single-Loop Deterministic and Stochastic Interior-Point Algorithms for Nonlinearly Constrained Optimization

An interior-point algorithm framework is proposed, analyzed, and tested for solving nonlinearly constrained continuous optimization problems. The main setting of interest is when the objective and constraint functions may be nonlinear and/or nonconvex, and when constraint values and derivatives are tractable to compute, but objective function values and derivatives can only be estimated. The algorithm … Read more

A Markovian Model for Learning-to-Optimize

We present a probabilistic model for stochastic iterative algorithms with the use case of optimization algorithms in mind. Based on this model, we present PAC-Bayesian generalization bounds for functions that are defined on the trajectory of the learned algorithm, for example, the expected (non-asymptotic) convergence rate and the expected time to reach the stopping criterion. … Read more

Forecasting Urban Traffic States with Sparse Data Using Hankel Temporal Matrix Factorization

Forecasting urban traffic states is crucial to transportation network monitoring and management, playing an important role in the decision-making process. Despite the substantial progress that has been made in developing accurate, efficient, and reliable algorithms for traffic forecasting, most existing approaches fail to handle sparsity, high-dimensionality, and nonstationarity in traffic time series and seldom consider … Read more

Regularized Gradient Clipping Provably Trains Wide and Deep Neural Networks

In this work, we instantiate a regularized form of the gradient clipping algorithm and prove that it can converge to the global minima of deep neural network loss functions provided that the net is of sufficient width. We present empirical evidence that our theoretically founded regularized gradient clipping algorithm is also competitive with the state-of-the-art … Read more

Predictive Low Rank Matrix Learning under Partial Observations: Mixed-Projection ADMM

We study the problem of learning a partially observed matrix under the low rank assumption in the presence of fully observed side information that depends linearly on the true underlying matrix. This problem consists of an important generalization of the Matrix Completion problem, a central problem in Statistics, Operations Research and Machine Learning, that arises … Read more

Distributionally and Adversarially Robust Logistic Regression via Intersecting Wasserstein Balls

Adversarially robust optimization (ARO) has become the de facto standard for training models to defend against adversarial attacks during testing. However, despite their robustness, these models often suffer from severe overfitting. To mitigate this issue, several successful approaches have been proposed, including replacing the empirical distribution in training with: (i) a worst-case distribution within an … Read more

A Stochastic Objective-Function-Free Adaptive Regularization Method with Optimal Complexity

A fully stochastic second-order adaptive-regularization method for unconstrained nonconvex optimization is presented which never computes the objective-function value, but yet achieves the optimal $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-3/2})$ complexity bound for finding first-order critical points. The method is noise-tolerant and the inexactness conditions required for convergence depend on the history of past steps. Applications to cases where derivative evaluation … Read more

Complexity of Adagrad and other first-order methods for nonconvex optimization problems with bounds constraints

A parametric class of trust-region algorithms for constrained nonconvex optimization is analyzed, where the objective function is never computed. By defining appropriate first-order stationarity criteria, we are able to extend the Adagrad method to the newly considered problem and retrieve the standard complexity rate of the projected gradient method that uses both the gradient and … Read more

Efficient Low-rank Identification via Accelerated Iteratively Reweighted Nuclear Norm Minimization

This paper considers the problem of minimizing the sum of a smooth function and the Schatten-\(p\) norm of the matrix. Our contribution involves proposing accelerated iteratively reweighted nuclear norm methods designed for solving the nonconvex low-rank minimization problem. Two major novelties characterize our approach. Firstly, the proposed method possesses a rank identification property, enabling the … Read more