Network Models for Multiobjective Discrete Optimization

This paper provides a novel framework for solving multiobjective discrete optimization problems with an arbitrary number of objectives. Our framework formulates these problems as network models, in that enumerating the Pareto frontier amounts to solving a multicriteria shortest path problem in an auxiliary network. We design tools and techniques for exploiting the network model in … Read more

An exact algorithm to find non-dominated facets of Tri-Objective MILPs

Many problems in real life have more than one decision criterion, referred to as multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems, and the objective functions of these problems are conflicting in most cases. Hence, finding non-dominated solutions is very critical for decision making process. Tri-objective mixed-integer linear programs (TOMILP) are an important subclass of MOOs that are applicable … Read more

On classes of set optimization problems which are reducible to vector optimization problems and its impact on numerical test instances

Set optimization with the set approach has recently gained increasing interest due to its practical relevance. In this problem class one studies optimization problems with a set-valued objective map and defines optimality based on a direct comparison of the images of the objective function, which are sets here. Meanwhile, in the literature a wide range … Read more

Pareto efficient solutions in multi-objective optimization involving forbidden regions

In this paper, the aim is to compute Pareto efficient solutions of multi-objective optimization problems involving forbidden regions. More precisely, we assume that the vector-valued objective function is componentwise generalized-convex and acts between a real topological linear pre-image space and a finite-dimensional image space, while the feasible set is given by the whole pre-image space … Read more

A New Exact Algorithm to Optimize a Linear Function Over the Set of Efficient Solutions for Bi-objective Mixed Integer Linear Programs

We present the first (criterion space search) algorithm for optimizing a linear function over the set of efficient solutions of bi-objective mixed integer linear programs. The proposed algorithm is developed based on the Triangle Splitting Method (Boland et al. 2015b) which can find a full representation of the nondominated frontier of any bi-objective mixed integer … Read more

FPBH.jl: A Feasibility Pump Based Heuristic for Multi-objective Mixed Integer Linear Programming in Julia

Feasibility pump is one of the successful heuristic solution approaches developed almost a decade ago for computing high-quality feasible solutions of single-objective integer linear programs, and it is implemented in exact commercial solvers such as CPLEX and Gurobi. In this study, we present the first Feasibility Pump Based Heuristic (FPBH) approach for approximately generating nondominated … Read more

Bi-objective autonomous vehicle repositioning problem with travel time uncertainty

We study the problem of repositioning autonomous vehicles in a shared mobility system in order to simultaneously minimize the unsatisfied demand and the total operating cost. We first present a mixed integer linear programming formulation for the deterministic version of the problem, and based on that we develop an extended formulation that is easier to … Read more

New algorithms for discrete vector optimization based on the Graef-Younes method and cone-monotone sorting functions

The well-known Jahn-Graef-Younes algorithm, proposed by Jahn in 2006, generates all minimal elements of a finite set with respect to an ordering cone. It consists of two Graef-Younes procedures, namely the forward iteration, which eliminates a part of the non-minimal elements, followed by the backward iteration, which is applied to the reduced set generated by … Read more

Inexact scalarization proximal methods for multiobjective quasiconvex minimization on Hadamard manifold

In this paper we extend naturally the scalarization proximal point method to solve multiobjective unconstrained minimization problems, proposed by Apolinario et al.(2016), from Euclidean spaces to Hadamard manifolds for locally Lipschitz and quasiconvex vector objective functions. Moreover, we present a convergence analysis, under some mild assumptions on the multiobjective function, for two inexact variants of … Read more

Best subset selection via bi-objective mixed integer linear programming

We study the problem of choosing the best subset of p features in linear regression given n observations. This problem naturally contains two objective functions including minimizing the amount of bias and minimizing the number of predictors. The existing approaches transform the problem into a single-objective optimization problem either by combining the two objectives using … Read more