Globalized Robust Optimization with Gamma-Uncertainties

Globalized robust optimization has been proposed as a generalization of the standard robust optimization framework in order to allow for a controlled decrease in protection depending on the distance of the realized scenario from the predefined uncertainty set. In this work, we specialize the notion of globalized robustness to Gamma-uncertainty in order to extend its … Read more

Distributionally Robust Partially Observable Markov Decision Process with Moment-based Ambiguity

We consider a distributionally robust Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (DR-POMDP), where the distribution of the transition-observation probabilities is unknown at the beginning of each decision period, but their realizations can be inferred using side information at the end of each period after an action being taken. We build an ambiguity set of the joint … Read more

Confidence Regions in Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Estimation

Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization (DRO) estimators are obtained as solutions of min-max problems in which the statistician selects a parameter minimizing the worst-case loss among all probability models within a certain distance (in a Wasserstein sense) from the underlying empirical measure. While motivated by the need to identify model parameters (or) decision choices that are … Read more

Sharing the Value-at-Risk under Distributional Ambiguity

This paper considers the problem of risk sharing, where a coalition of homogeneous agents, each bearing a random cost, aggregates their costs and shares the value-at-risk of such a risky position. Due to limited distributional information in practice, the joint distribution of agents’ random costs is difficult to acquire. The coalition, being aware of the … Read more

Risk Guarantees for End-to-End Prediction and Optimization Processes

Prediction models are often employed in estimating parameters of optimization models. Despite the fact that in an \emph{end-to-end} view, the real goal is to achieve good optimization performance, the prediction performance is measured on its own. While it is usually believed that good prediction performance in estimating the parameters will result in good subsequent optimization … Read more

Radius of Robust Feasibility for Mixed-Integer Problems

For a mixed-integer linear problem (MIP) with uncertain constraints, the radius of robust feasibility (RRF) determines a value for the maximal “size” of the uncertainty set such that robust feasibility of the MIP can be guaranteed. To the best of our knowledge, the approaches for the RRF presented in the literature are restricted to continuous … Read more

Oracle-Based Algorithms for Binary Two-Stage Robust Optimization

In this work we study binary two-stage robust optimization problems with objective uncertainty. The concept of two-stage robustness is tailored for problems under uncertainty which have two different kinds of decision variables, first-stage decisions which have to be made here-and-now and second-stage decisions which can be determined each time after an uncertain scenario occured. We … Read more

Projections onto the canonical simplex with additional linear inequalities

We consider the distributionally robust optimization and show that computing the distributional worst-case is equivalent to computing the projection onto the canonical simplex with additional linear inequality. We consider several distance functions to measure the distance of distributions. We write the projections as optimization problems and show that they are equivalent to finding a zero … Read more

General risk measures for robust machine learning

A wide array of machine learning problems are formulated as the minimization of the expectation of a convex loss function on some parameter space. Since the probability distribution of the data of interest is usually unknown, it is is often estimated from training sets, which may lead to poor out-of-sample performance. In this work, we … Read more

Γ-Robust Linear Complementarity Problems

Complementarity problems are often used to compute equilibria made up of specifically coordinated solutions of different optimization problems. Specific examples are game-theoretic settings like the bimatrix game or energy market models like for electricity or natural gas. While optimization under uncertainties is rather well-developed, the field of equilibrium models represented by complementarity problems under uncertainty … Read more