A Data-Driven Approach to Multi-Stage Stochastic Linear Optimization

We propose a new data-driven approach for addressing multi-stage stochastic linear optimization problems with unknown distributions. The approach consists of solving a robust optimization problem that is constructed from sample paths of the underlying stochastic process. We provide asymptotic bounds on the gap between the optimal costs of the robust optimization problem and the underlying … Read more

Min max (relative) set-regret combinatorial optimization

We consider combinatorial optimization problems with uncertainty in the cost vector. Recently a novel approach was developed to deal such uncertainties: instead of a single one robust solution, obtained by solving a min max problem, the authors consider a set of solutions obtained by solving a min max min problem. In this new approach the … Read more

Robust Multi-product Newsvendor Model with Substitution under Cardinality-constrained Uncertainty Set

This work studies a Robust Multi-product Newsvendor Model with Substitution (R-MNMS), where the demand and the substitution rates are stochastic and are subject to cardinality-constrained uncertainty sets. The goal of this work is to determine the optimal order quantities of multiple products to maximize the worst-case total profit. To achieve this, we first show that … Read more

Exploiting Partial Correlations in Distributionally Robust Optimization

In this paper, we identify partial correlation information structures that allow for simpler reformulations in evaluating the maximum expected value of mixed integer linear programs with random objective coefficients. To this end, assuming only the knowledge of the mean and the covariance matrix entries restricted to block-diagonal patterns, we develop a reduced semidefinite programming formulation, … Read more

Resilient layout, design and operation of energy-efficient water distribution networks for high-rise buildings using MINLP

Water supply of high-rise buildings requires pump systems to ensure pressure requirements. The design goal of these systems are energy and cost efficiency, both in terms of fixed cost as well as during operation. In this paper, cost optimal decentralized and tree-shaped water distribution networks are computed, where placements of pumps at different locations in … Read more

Robust Optimization of a Broad Class of Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problems under Demand Uncertainty

This paper studies robust variants of an extended model of the classical Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem (HVRP), where a mixed fleet of vehicles with different capacities, availabilities, fixed costs and routing costs is used to serve customers with uncertain demand. This model includes, as special cases, all variants of the HVRP studied in the literature … Read more

Analysis of Process Flexibility Designs under Disruptions

Most of the previous studies of process flexibility designs have focused on expected sales and demand uncertainty. In this paper, we examine the worst-case performance of flexibility designs in the case of demand and supply uncertainties, where the latter can be in the form of either plant or arc disruptions. We define the Plant Cover … Read more

Optimal Transport Based Distributionally Robust Optimization: Structural Properties and Iterative Schemes

We consider optimal transport based distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problems with locally strongly convex transport cost functions and affine decision rules. Under conventional convexity assumptions on the underlying loss function, we obtain structural results about the value function, the optimal policy, and the worst-case optimal transport adversarial model. These results expose a rich structure embedded … Read more

Structural Properties of Feasible Bookings in the European Entry-Exit Gas Market System

In this work we analyze the structural properties of the set of feasible bookings in the European entry-exit gas market system. We present formal definitions of feasible bookings and then analyze properties that are important if one wants to optimize over them. Thus, we study whether the sets of feasible nominations and bookings are bounded, … Read more

Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Kalman Filtering

We study a distributionally robust mean square error estimation problem over a nonconvex Wasserstein ambiguity set containing only normal distributions. We show that the optimal estimator and the least favorable distribution form a Nash equilibrium. Despite the non-convex nature of the ambiguity set, we prove that the estimation problem is equivalent to a tractable convex … Read more