The probabilistic travelling salesman problem with crowdsourcing

We study a variant of the Probabilistic Travelling Salesman Problem arising when retailers crowdsource last-mile deliveries to their own customers, who can refuse or accept in exchange for a reward. A planner must identify which deliveries to offer, knowing that all deliveries need fulfilment, either via crowdsourcing or using the retailer’s own vehicle. We formalise … Read more

Scenario Consensus Algorithms for Solving Stochastic and Dynamic Problems

In transportation problems and in many other planning problems, there are important sources of uncertainty that must be addressed to find effective and efficient solutions. A common approach for solving these dynamic and stochastic problems is the Multiple Scenario Approach (MSA), that has been proved effective for transportation problems, but it does not provide flexibility … Read more

Accelerated Stochastic Peaceman-Rachford Method for Empirical Risk Minimization

This work is devoted to studying an Accelerated Stochastic Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Method (AS-PRSM) for solving a family of structural empirical risk minimization problems. The objective function to be optimized is the sum of a possibly nonsmooth convex function and a finite-sum of smooth convex component functions. The smooth subproblem in AS-PRSM is solved by a stochastic gradient method using variance reduction … Read more

The Sharpe predictor for fairness in machine learning

In machine learning (ML) applications, unfair predictions may discriminate against a minority group. Most existing approaches for fair machine learning (FML) treat fairness as a constraint or a penalization term in the optimization of a ML model, which does not lead to the discovery of the complete landscape of the trade-offs among learning accuracy and … Read more

Increasing Driver Flexibility through Personalized Menus and Incentives in Ridesharing and Crowdsourced Delivery Platforms

Allowing drivers to choose which requests to fulfill provides drivers with much-needed autonomy in ridesharing and crowdsourced delivery platforms. While stochastic, a driver’s acceptance of requests in their menu is influenced by the platform’s offered compensation. Therefore, in this work, we create and solve an optimization model to determine personalized menus and incentives to offer … Read more

Confidence Region for Distributed Stochastic Optimization Problem via Stochastic Gradient Tracking Method

Since stochastic approximation (SA) based algorithms are easy to implement and need less memory, they are very popular in distributed stochastic optimization problems. Many works have focused on the consistency of the objective values and the iterates returned by the SA based algorithms. It is of fundamental interest to know how to quantify the uncertainty … Read more

A solution algorithm for chance-constrained problems with integer second-stage recourse decisions

We study a class of chance-constrained two-stage stochastic optimization problems where the second-stage recourse decisions belong to mixed-integer convex sets. Due to the nonconvexity of the second-stage feasible sets, standard decomposition approaches cannot be applied. We develop a provably convergent branch-and-cut scheme that iteratively generates valid inequalities for the convex hull of the second-stage feasible … Read more

Dual SDDP for risk-averse multistage stochastic programs

Risk-averse multistage stochastic programs appear in multiple areas and are challenging to solve. Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (SDDP) is a well-known tool to address such problems under time-independence assumptions. We show how to derive a dual formulation for these problems and apply an SDDP algorithm, leading to converging and deterministic upper bounds for risk-averse problems. … Read more

Nash Bargaining Partitioning in Decentralized Portfolio Management

In the context of decentralized portfolio management, understanding how to distribute a fixed budget among decentralized intermediaries is a relevant question for financial investors. We consider the Nash bargaining partitioning for a class of decentralized investment problems, where intermediaries are in charge of the portfolio construction in heterogeneous local markets and act as risk/disutility minimizers. … Read more

Inexact Sequential Quadratic Optimization for Minimizing a Stochastic Objective Function Subject to Deterministic Nonlinear Equality Constraints

An algorithm is proposed, analyzed, and tested experimentally for solving stochastic optimization problems in which the decision variables are constrained to satisfy equations defined by deterministic, smooth, and nonlinear functions. It is assumed that constraint function and derivative values can be computed, but that only stochastic approximations are available for the objective function and its … Read more