Optimal Learning for Structured Bandits

We study structured multi-armed bandits, which is the problem of online decision-making under uncertainty in the presence of structural information. In this problem, the decision-maker needs to discover the best course of action despite observing only uncertain rewards over time. The decision- maker is aware of certain structural information regarding the reward distributions and would … Read more

Stochastic Last-mile Delivery with Crowd-shipping and Mobile Depots

This paper proposes a two-tier last-mile delivery model that optimally selects mobile depot locations in advance of full information about the availability of crowd-shippers, and then transfers packages to crowd-shippers for the final shipment to the customers. Uncertainty in crowd-shipper availability is incorporated by modeling the problem as a two-stage stochastic integer program. Enhanced decomposition … Read more

Two-Stage Facility Location Problems with Restricted Recourse

We introduce a new class of two-stage stochastic uncapacitated facility location problems under system nervousness considerations. The location and allocation decisions are made under uncertainty, while the allocation decisions may be altered in response to the realizations of the uncertain parameters. A practical concern is that the uncertainty-adaptive second-stage allocation decisions might substantially deviate from … Read more

Risk-Averse Bargaining in a Stochastic Optimization Context

Problem definition: Bargaining situations are ubiquitous in economics and management. We consider the problem of bargaining for a fair ex-ante distribution of random profits arising from a cooperative effort of a fixed set of risk-averse agents. Our approach integrates optimal managerial decision making into bargaining situations with random outcomes and explicitly models the impact of … Read more

Optimal Scenario Generation for Heavy-tailed Chance Constrained Optimization

We consider a generic class of chance-constrained optimization problems with heavy-tailed (i.e., power-law type) risk factors. In this setting, we use the scenario approach to obtain a constant approximation to the optimal solution with a computational complexity that is uniform in the risk tolerance parameter. We additionally illustrate the efficiency of our algorithm in the … Read more

Scenario generation using historical data paths

In this paper, we present a method for generating scenarios by selection from historical data. We start with two models for a univariate single-period case and then extend the better-performing one to the case of selecting sequences of multivariate data. We then test the method on data series for wind- and solar-power generation in Scandinavia. … Read more

Distributionally Robust Optimization under Decision-Dependent Ambiguity Set with an Application to Machine Scheduling

We introduce a new class of distributionally robust optimization problems under decision dependent ambiguity sets. In particular, as our ambiguity sets, we consider balls centered on a decision-dependent probability distribution. The balls are based on a class of earth mover’s distances that includes both the total variation distance and the Wasserstein metrics. We discuss the … Read more

Games with distributionally robust joint chance constraints

This paper studies an n-player non-cooperative game with strategy sets defined by stochastic linear constraints. The stochastic constraints of each player are jointly satisfied with a probability exceeding a given threshold. We consider the case where the row vectors defining the constraints are independent random vectors whose probability distributions are not completely known and belong … Read more

Risk-Neutral and Risk-Averse Transmission Switching for Load Shed Recovery

Maintaining an uninterrupted supply of electricity is a fundamental goal of power systems operators. However, due to critical outage events, customer demand or load is at times disconnected or shed temporarily. While deterministic optimization models have been devised to help operators expedite load shed recovery by harnessing the flexibility of the grid’s topology (i.e., transmission … Read more

A Regularized Smoothing Method for Fully Parameterized Convex Problems with Applications to Convex and Nonconvex Two-Stage Stochastic Programming

We present an approach to regularize and approximate solution mappings of parametric convex optimization problems that combines interior penalty (log-barrier) solutions with Tikhonov regularization. Because the regularized mappings are single-valued and smooth under reasonable conditions, they can be used to build a computationally practical smoothing for the associated optimal value function. The value function in … Read more