Risk-Averse Optimal Control

In the context of multistage stochastic optimization, it is natural to consider nested risk measures, which originate by repeatedly composing risk measures, conditioned on realized observations. Starting from this discrete time setting, we extend the notion of nested risk measures to continuous time by adapting the risk levels in a time dependent manner. This time … Read more

Substantiation of the Backpropagation Technique via the Hamilton-Pontryagin Formalism for Training Nonconvex Nonsmooth Neural Networks

The paper observes the similarity between the stochastic optimal control of discrete dynamical systems and the training multilayer neural networks. It focuses on contemporary deep networks with nonconvex nonsmooth loss and activation functions. In the paper, the machine learning problems are treated as nonconvex nonsmooth stochastic optimization problems. As a model of nonsmooth nonconvex dependences, … Read more

Generalized Gradients in Problems of Dynamic Optimization, Optimal Control, and Machine Learning

In this work, nonconvex nonsmooth problems of dynamic optimization, optimal control in discrete time (including feedback control), and machine learning are considered from a common point of view. An analogy is observed between tasks of controlling discrete dynamic systems and training multilayer neural networks with nonsmooth target function and connections. Methods for calculating generalized gradients … Read more

Periodical Multistage Stochastic Programs

In some applications the considered multistage stochastic programs have a periodical behavior. We show that in such cases it is possible to drastically reduce the number of stages by introducing a periodical analog of the so-called Bellman equations for discounted infinite horizon problems, used in Markov Decision Processes and Stochastic Optimal Control. Furthermore, we describe … Read more

Penalized stochastic gradient methods for stochastic convex optimization with expectation constraints

Stochastic gradient method and its variants are simple yet effective for minimizing an expectation function over a closed convex set. However, none of these methods are applicable to solve stochastic programs with expectation constraints, since the projection onto the feasible set is prohibitive. To deal with the expectation constrained stochastic convex optimization problems, we propose … Read more

The risk-averse ultimate pit problem

In this work, we consider a risk-averse ultimate pit problem where the grade of the mineral is uncertain. We propose a two-stage formulation of the problem and discuss which properties are desirable for a risk measure in this context. We show that the only risk measure that satisfies these properties is the entropic. We propose … Read more

Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Optimization: Theory and Applications in Machine Learning

Many decision problems in science, engineering and economics are affected by uncertain parameters whose distribution is only indirectly observable through samples. The goal of data-driven decision-making is to learn a decision from finitely many training samples that will perform well on unseen test samples. This learning task is difficult even if all training and test … Read more

Tractable Reformulations of Distributionally Robust Two-stage Stochastic Programs with $\infty- Distance

This paper studies a two-stage distributionally robust stochastic linear program under the type-∞ Wasserstein ball by providing sufficient conditions under which the program can be efficiently computed via a tractable convex program. By exploring the properties of binary variables, the developed reformulation techniques are extended to those with mixed binary random parameters. The main tractable … Read more

Gaining traction – On the convergence of an inner approximation scheme for probability maximization

We analyze an inner approximation scheme for probability maximization. The approach was proposed in Fabian, Csizmas, Drenyovszki, Van Ackooij, Vajnai, Kovacs, Szantai (2018) Probability maximization by inner approximation, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 15:105-125, as an analogue of a classic dual approach in the handling of probabilistic constraints. Even a basic implementation of the maximization scheme proved … Read more

Distributionally Robust Optimization: A Review

The concepts of risk-aversion, chance-constrained optimization, and robust optimization have developed significantly over the last decade. Statistical learning community has also witnessed a rapid theoretical and applied growth by relying on these concepts. A modeling framework, called distributionally robust optimization (DRO), has recently received significant attention in both the operations research and statistical learning communities. … Read more