A Branch-and-Check Approach for the Tourist Trip Design Problem with Rich Constraints

The tourist trip design problem is an extension of the orienteering problem applied to tourism. The problem consists in selecting a subset of locations to visit from among a larger set while maximizing the benefit for the tourist. The benefit is given by the sum of the rewards collected at each location visited. We consider … Read more

Formulations and Valid Inequalities for Optimal Black Start Allocation in Power Systems

The restoration of a power system after an extended blackout starts around units with enhanced technical capabilities, referred to as black start units (BSUs). We examine the planning problem of optimally allocating these units on the grid subject to a budget constraint. We present a mixed integer programming model based on current literature in power … Read more

An Integer Programming Approach to Deep Neural Networks with Binary Activation Functions

We study deep neural networks with binary activation functions (BDNN), i.e. the activation function only has two states. We show that the BDNN can be reformulated as a mixed-integer linear program which can be solved to global optimality by classical integer programming solvers. Additionally, a heuristic solution algorithm is presented and we study the model … Read more

Optimal design of an electricity-intensive industrial facility subject to electricity price uncertainty: stochastic optimization and scenario reduction

When considering the design of electricity-intensive industrial processes, a challenge is that future electricity prices are highly uncertain. Design decisions made before construction can affect operations decades into the future. We thus explore whether including electricity price uncertainty into the design process affects design decisions. We apply stochastic optimization to the design and operations of … Read more

Convex Maximization via Adjustable Robust Optimization

Maximizing a convex function over convex constraints is an NP-hard problem in general. We prove that such a problem can be reformulated as an adjustable robust optimization (ARO) problem where each adjustable variable corresponds to a unique constraint of the original problem. We use ARO techniques to obtain approximate solutions to the convex maximization problem. … Read more

KKT Preconditioners for PDE-Constrained Optimization with the Helmholtz Equation

This paper considers preconditioners for the linear systems that arise from optimal control and inverse problems involving the Helmholtz equation. Specifically, we explore an all-at-once approach. The main contribution centers on the analysis of two block preconditioners. Variations of these preconditioners have been proposed and analyzed in prior works for optimal control problems where the … Read more

A Decision Space Algorithm for Multiobjective Convex Quadratic Integer Optimization

We present a branch-and-bound algorithm for minimizing multiple convex quadratic objective functions over integer variables. Our method looks for efficient points by fixing subsets of variables to integer values and by using lower bounds in the form of hyperplanes in the image space derived from the continuous relaxations of the restricted objective functions. We show … Read more

A Unified Analysis for Assortment Planning with Marginal Distributions

In this paper, we study assortment planning under the marginal distribution model (MDM), a semiparametric choice model that only requires information about the marginal noise in the utilities of alternatives and does not assume independence of the noise terms. It is already known in the literature that the multinomial logit (MNL) model belongs to the … Read more

A Unified Framework for Adjustable Robust Optimization with Endogenous Uncertainty

This work proposes a framework for multistage adjustable robust optimization that unifies the treatment of three different types of endogenous uncertainty, where decisions, respectively, (i) alter the uncertainty set, (ii) affect the materialization of uncertain parameters, and (iii) determine the time when the true values of uncertain parameters are observed. We provide a systematic analysis … Read more

Proscribed normal decompositions of Euclidean Jordan algebras

Normal decomposition systems unify many results from convex matrix analysis regarding functions that are invariant with respect to a group of transformations—particularly those matrix functions that are unitarily-invariant and the affiliated permutation-invariant “spectral functions” that depend only on eigenvalues. Spectral functions extend in a natural way to Euclidean Jordan algebras, and several authors have studied … Read more