A Framework for Mathematical Optimization in Microservice Architectures

In the last years, the gap between solution methods in literature and optimization running in production has increased. Agile development practices, DevOps and modern cloud-based infrastructure call for a revisit of how optimization software is developed. We review the state-of-the-art, propose a development framework that can be applied across different programming languages and modeling frameworks … Read more

Exploiting Aggregate Sparsity in Second Order Cone Relaxations for Quadratic Constrained Quadratic Programming Problems

Among many approaches to increase the computational efficiency of semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation for quadratic constrained quadratic programming problems (QCQPs), exploiting the aggregate sparsity of the data matrices in the SDP by Fukuda et al. (2001) and second-order cone programming (SOCP) relaxation have been popular. In this paper, we exploit the aggregate sparsity of SOCP … Read more

Persistency of Linear Programming Formulations for the Stable Set Problem

The Nemhauser-Trotter theorem states that the standard linear programming (LP) formulation for the stable set problem has a remarkable property, also known as (weak) persistency: for every optimal LP solution that assigns integer values to some variables, there exists an optimal integer solution in which these variables retain the same values. While the standard LP … Read more

Minimizing Airplane Boarding Time

The time it takes passengers to board an airplane is known to influence the turn-around time of the aircraft and thus bears a significant cost-saving potential for airlines. Although minimizing boarding time therefore is the most important goal from an economic perspective, previous efforts to design efficient boarding strategies apparently never tackled this task directly. … Read more

Understanding Limitation of Two Symmetrized Orders by Worst-case Complexity

It was recently found that the standard version of multi-block cyclic ADMM diverges. Interestingly, Gaussian Back Substitution ADMM (GBS-ADMM) and symmetric Gauss-Seidel ADMM (sGS-ADMM) do not have the divergence issue. Therefore, it seems that symmetrization can improve the performance of the classical cyclic order. In another recent work, cyclic CD (Coordinate Descent) was shown to … Read more

Exact Methods for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone

Efficiently handling last-mile deliveries becomes more and more important nowadays. Using drones to support classical vehicles allows improving delivery schedules as long as efficient solution methods to plan last-mile deliveries with drones are available. We study exact solution approaches for some variants of the traveling salesman problem with drone (TSP-D) in which a truck and … Read more

A Polynomial-time Algorithm with Tight Error Bounds for Single-period Unit Commitment Problem

This paper proposes a Lagrangian dual based polynomial-time approximation algorithm for solving the single-period unit commitment problem, which can be formulated as a mixed integer quadratic programming problem and proven to be NP-hard. Tight theoretical bounds for the absolute errors and relative errors of the approximate solutions generated by the proposed algorithm are provided. Computational … Read more

Adaptive Sampling Quasi-Newton Methods for Derivative-Free Stochastic Optimization

We consider stochastic zero-order optimization problems, which arise in settings from simulation optimization to reinforcement learning. We propose an adaptive sampling quasi-Newton method where we estimate the gradients of a stochastic function using finite differences within a common random number framework. We employ modified versions of a norm test and an inner product quasi-Newton test … Read more

Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems with Arbitrary Precedence Graphs

A common assumption in the shop scheduling literature is that the processing order of the operations of each job is sequential; however, in practice there can be multiple connections and finish-to-start dependencies among the operations of each job. This paper studies flexible job shop scheduling problems with arbitrary precedence graphs. Rigorous mixed integer and constraint … Read more

Adaptive Gradient Descent without Descent

We present a strikingly simple proof that two rules are sufficient to automate gradient descent: 1) don’t increase the stepsize too fast and 2) don’t overstep the local curvature. No need for functional values, no line search, no information about the function except for the gradients. By following these rules, you get a method adaptive … Read more