Unified approach for solving Box-Constrained models with continuous or discrete variables by Non monotonous Derivative Free Optimization techniques.

This paper describes a unified approach for solving Box-Constrained Optimization Problems (BCOP) in Euclidian spaces. The variables may be either continuous or discrete; in which case, they range on a grid of isolated points regularly spaced. For the continuous case, convergence is shown under standard assumptions; for the discrete case, slight modifications ensure that the … Read more

New Constraints and Features for the University Course Timetabling Problem

The university course timetabling problem deals with the task of scheduling lectures of a set of university courses into a given number of rooms and time periods, taking into account various hard and soft constraints. The goal of the International Timetabling Competitions ITC2002 and ITC2007 was to establish models for comparison that cover the most … Read more


In this study, we develop heuristic methods to solve unimodular quadratic programming (UQP) approximately, which is known to be NP-hard. UQP-type problems appear naturally in radar waveform design and active sensing applications. In the UQP framework, we optimize a sequence of complex variables with unit modulus by maximizing a quadratic function. To solve the UQP … Read more

Bridging the gap between predictive and prescriptive analytics – new optimization methodology needed

Business analytics is becoming more and more important nowadays. Up to now predictive analytics appears to be much more applied in practice than prescriptive analytics. We argue that although optimization is used to obtain predictive models, and predictive tools are used to forecast parameters in optimization models, still the deep relation between the predictive and … Read more

A Robust Approach to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Uncertain Costs

We investigate a robust approach for solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) with uncertain travel times. It is based on the concept of K-adaptability, which allows to calculate a set of k feasible solutions in a preprocessing phase before the scenario is revealed. Once a scenario occurs, the corresponding best solution may be picked … Read more

An Algorithm for Nonsmooth Optimization by Successive Piecewise Linearization

We present an optimization method for Lipschitz continuous, piecewise smooth (PS) objective functions based on successive piecewise linearization. Since, in many realistic cases, nondifferentiabilities are caused by the occurrence of abs(), max(), and min(), we concentrate on these nonsmooth elemental functions. The method’s idea is to locate an optimum of a PS objective function by … Read more

Stochastic Primal-Dual Methods and Sample Complexity of Reinforcement Learning

We study the online estimation of the optimal policy of a Markov decision process (MDP). We propose a class of Stochastic Primal-Dual (SPD) methods which exploit the inherent minimax duality of Bellman equations. The SPD methods update a few coordinates of the value and policy estimates as a new state transition is observed. These methods … Read more

Distributionally robust chance constrained optimal power flow with renewables: A conic reformulation

The uncertainty associated with renewable energy sources introduces significant challenges in optimal power flow (OPF) analysis. A variety of new approaches have been proposed that use chance constraints to limit line or bus overload risk in OPF models. Most existing formulations assume that the probability distributions associated with the uncertainty are known a priori or … Read more

Augmented Lagrangians with constrained subproblems and convergence to second-order stationary points

Augmented Lagrangian methods with convergence to second-order stationary points in which any constraint can be penalized or carried out to the subproblems are considered in this work. The resolution of each subproblem can be done by any numerical algorithm able to return approximate second-order stationary points. The developed global convergence theory is stronger than the … Read more

Distributed domain propagation

Portfolio parallelization is an approach that runs several solver instances in parallel and terminates when one of them succeeds in solving the problem. Despite it’s simplicity portfolio parallelization has been shown to perform well for modern mixed-integer programming (MIP) and boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) solvers. Domain propagation has also been shown to be a simple … Read more