A two-level SDDP Solving Strategy with Risk-Averse multivariate reservoir Storage Levels for Long Term power Generation Planning

Power generation planning in large-scale hydrothermal systems is a complex optimization task, specially due to the high uncertainty in the inflows to hydro plants. Since it is impossible to traverse the huge scenario tree of the multi-stage problem, stochastic dual dynamic programming (SDDP) is the leading optimization technique to solve it, originally from an expected-cost … Read more

Benders Decomposition and Column-and-Row Generation for Solving Large-Scale Linear Programs with Column-Dependent-Rows

In a recent work, Muter et al. (2013a) identified and characterized a general class of linear programming (LP) problems – known as problems with column-dependent-rows (CDR-problems). These LPs feature two sets of constraints with mutually exclusive groups of variables in addition to a set of structural linking constraints, in which variables from both groups appear … Read more

Revisiting some results on the sample complexity of multistage stochastic programs and some extensions

In this work we present explicit definitions for the sample complexity associated with the Sample Average Approximation (SAA) Method for instances and classes of multistage stochastic optimization problems. For such, we follow the same notion firstly considered in Kleywegt et al. (2001). We define the complexity for an arbitrary class of problems by considering its … Read more

The rate of convergence of Nesterov’s accelerated forward-backward method is actually (k^{-2})$

The {\it forward-backward algorithm} is a powerful tool for solving optimization problems with a {\it additively separable} and {\it smooth} + {\it nonsmooth} structure. In the convex setting, a simple but ingenious acceleration scheme developed by Nesterov has been proved useful to improve the theoretical rate of convergence for the function values from the standard … Read more

Modulation Design for Two-Way Amplify-and-Forward Relay HARQ

As a practical technique for enhancing relay and HARQ transmissions, Modulation Diversity (MoDiv) uses distinct constellation mappings for data retransmissions. In this work, we study the MoDiv optimization in a amplify-and-forward (AF) two-way relay channel (TWRC). The design of MoDiv design to minimize the bit-error rate (BER) is formulated into a successive Koopmans-Beckmann Quadratic Assignment … Read more

A Stochastic Electricity Market Clearing Formulation with Consistent Pricing Properties

We argue that deterministic market clearing formulations introduce arbitrary distortions between day-ahead and expected real-time prices that bias economic incentives and block diversi cation. We extend and analyze the stochastic clearing formulation proposed by Pritchard et al. (2010) in which the social surplus function induces penalties between day-ahead and real-time quantities. We prove that the formulation … Read more

Fast convergence of inertial dynamics and algorithms with asymptotic vanishing damping

In a Hilbert space setting $\mathcal H$, we study the fast convergence properties as $t \to + \infty$ of the trajectories of the second-order differential equation \begin{equation*} \ddot{x}(t) + \frac{\alpha}{t} \dot{x}(t) + \nabla \Phi (x(t)) = g(t), \end{equation*} where $\nabla\Phi$ is the gradient of a convex continuously differentiable function $\Phi: \mathcal H \to \mathbb R$, … Read more

A robust optimization model for the risk averse reservoir management problem

This paper presents a new formulation for the risk averse stochastic reservoir management problem. Using recent advances in robust optimization and stochastic programming, we propose a dynamic, multi-objective model based on minimization of a multidimensional risk measure associated with floods and droughts for a hydro-electrical complex. We present our model and then identify approximate solutions … Read more

A Fast Eigenvalue Approach for Solving the Trust Region Subproblem with an Additional Linear Inequality

In this paper, we study the extended trust region subproblem (eTRS) in which the trust region intersects the unit ball with a single linear inequality constraint. By reformulating the Lagrangian dual of eTRS as a two-parameter linear eigenvalue problem, we state a necessary and sufficient condition for its strong duality in terms of an optimal … Read more

On the computational complexity of minimum-concave-cost flow in a two-dimensional grid

We study the minimum-concave-cost flow problem on a two-dimensional grid. We characterize the computational complexity of this problem based on the number of rows and columns of the grid, the number of different capacities over all arcs, and the location of sources and sinks. The concave cost over each arc is assumed to be evaluated … Read more