Active Set Methods with Reoptimization for Convex Quadratic Integer Programming

We present a fast branch-and-bound algorithm for solving convex quadratic integer programs with few linear constraints. In each node, we solve the dual problem of the continuous relaxation using an infeasible active set method proposed by Kunisch and Rendl to get a lower bound; this active set algorithm is well suited for reoptimization. Our algorithm … Read more

PEBBL: An Object-Oriented Framework for Scalable Parallel Branch and Bound

PEBBL is a C++ class library implementing the underlying operations needed to support a wide variety of branch-and-bound algorithms in a message-passing parallel computing environment. Deriving application-speci c classes from PEBBL, one may create parallel branch-and-bound applications through a process focused on the unique aspects of the application, while relying on PEBBL for generic aspects of … Read more

Using diversification, communication and parallelism to solve mixed-integer linear programs

Performance variability of modern mixed-integer programming solvers and possible ways of exploiting this phenomenon present an interesting opportunity in the development of algorithms to solve mixed-integer linear programs (MILPs). We propose a framework using multiple branch-and-bound trees to solve MILPs while allowing them to share information in a parallel execution. We present computational results on … Read more

An Enhanced Spatial Branch-and-Bound Method in Global Optimization with Nonconvex Constraints

We discuss some difficulties in determining valid upper bounds in spatial branch-and-bound methods for global minimization in the presence of nonconvex constraints. In fact, two examples illustrate that standard techniques for the construction of upper bounds may fail in this setting. Instead, we propose to perturb infeasible iterates along Mangasarian-Fromovitz directions to feasible points whose … Read more

A branch-and-bound algorithm for biobjective mixed-integer programs

We propose a branch-and-bound (BB) algorithm for biobjective mixed-integer linear programs (BOMILPs). Our approach makes no assumption on the type of problem and we prove that it returns all Pareto points of a BOMILP. We discuss two techniques upon which the BB is based: fathoming rules to eliminate those subproblems that are guaranteed not to … Read more

Branch-and-Sandwich: A Deterministic Global Optimization Algorithm for Optimistic Bilevel Programming Problems

We present a global optimization algorithm, Branch-and-Sandwich, for optimistic bilevel programming problems which satisfy a regularity condition in the inner problem. The functions involved are assumed to be nonconvex and twice continuously differentiable. The proposed approach can be interpreted as the exploration of two solution spaces (corresponding to the inner and the outer problems) using … Read more

A Reliable Affine Relaxation Method for Global Optimization

An automatic method for constructing linear relaxations of constrained global optimization problems is proposed. Such a construction is based on affine and interval arithmetics and uses operator overloading. These linear programs have exactly the same numbers of variables and of inequality constraints as the given problems. Each equality constraint is replaced by two inequalities. This … Read more

Covering Linear Programming with Violations

We consider a class of linear programs involving a set of covering constraints of which at most k are allowed to be violated. We show that this covering linear program with violation is strongly NP-hard. In order to improve the performance of mixed-integer programming (MIP) based schemes for these problems, we introduce and analyze a … Read more

What Could a Million Cores Do To Solve Integer Programs?

Given the steady increase in cores per CPU, it is only a matter of time until supercomputers will have a million or more cores. In this article, we investigate the opportunities and challenges that will arise when trying to utilize this vast computing power to solve a single integer linear optimization problem. We also raise … Read more

Solving Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs by QP-Diving

We present a new tree-search algorithm for solving mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs). Rather than relying on computationally expensive nonlinear solves at every node of the branch-and-bound tree, our algorithm solves a quadratic approximation at every node. We show that the resulting algorithm retains global convergence properties for convex MINLPs, and we present numerical results on … Read more