Hierarchically constrained blackbox optimization

In blackbox optimization, evaluation of the objective and constraint functions is time consuming. In some situations, constraint values may be evaluated independently or sequentially. The present work proposes and compares two strategies to define a hierarchical ordering of the constraints and to interrupt the evaluation process at a trial point when it is detected that … Read more

Constrained Optimization in the Presence of Noise

The problem of interest is the minimization of a nonlinear function subject to nonlinear equality constraints using a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method. The minimization must be performed while observing only noisy evaluations of the objective and constraint functions. In order to obtain stability, the classical SQP method is modified by relaxing the standard Armijo … Read more

A Local MM Subspace Method for Solving Constrained Variational Problems in Image Recovery

This article introduces a new Penalized Majorization-Minimization Subspace algorithm (P-MMS) for solving smooth, constrained optimization problems. In short, our approach consists of embedding a subspace algorithm in an inexact exterior penalty procedure. The subspace strategy, combined with a Majoration-Minimization step-size search, takes great advantage of the smoothness of the penalized cost function, while the penalty … Read more

An augmented Lagrangian method exploiting an active-set strategy and second-order information

In this paper, we consider nonlinear optimization problems with nonlinear equality constraints and bound constraints on the variables. For the solution of such problems, many augmented Lagrangian methods have been defined in the literature. Here, we propose to modify one of these algorithms, namely ALGENCAN by Andreani et al., in such a way to incorporate … Read more

Penetration depth between two convex polyhedra: An efficient global optimization approach

During the detailed design phase of an aerospace program, one of the most important consistency checks is to ensure that no two distinct objects occupy the same physical space. Since exact geometrical modeling is usually intractable, geometry models are discretized, which often introduces small interferences not present in the fully detailed model. In this paper, … Read more

An Infeasible Interior-point Arc-search Algorithm for Nonlinear Constrained Optimization

In this paper, we propose an infeasible arc-search interior-point algorithm for solving nonlinear programming problems. Most algorithms based on interior-point methods are categorized as line search in the sense that they compute a next iterate on a straight line determined by a search direction which approximates the central path. The proposed arc-search interior-point algorithm uses … Read more

A Proximal Interior Point Algorithm with Applications to Image Processing

In this article, we introduce a new proximal interior point algorithm (PIPA). This algorithm is able to handle convex optimization problems involving various constraints where the objective function is the sum of a Lipschitz differentiable term and a possibly nonsmooth one. Each iteration of PIPA involves the minimization of a merit function evaluated for decaying … Read more

On the complexity of an Inexact Restoration method for constrained optimization

Recent papers indicate that some algorithms for constrained optimization may exhibit worst-case complexity bounds that are very similar to those of unconstrained optimization algorithms. A natural question is whether well established practical algorithms, perhaps with small variations, may enjoy analogous complexity results. In the present paper we show that the answer is positive with respect … Read more

A Primal-Dual Augmented Lagrangian Penalty-Interior-Point Filter Line Search Algorithm

Interior-point methods have been shown to be very efficient for large-scale nonlinear programming. The combination with penalty methods increases their robustness due to the regularization of the constraints caused by the penalty term. In this paper a primal-dual penalty-interior-point algorithm is proposed, that is based on an augmented Lagrangian approach with an l2-exact penalty function. … Read more

On generalized-convex constrained multi-objective optimization

In this paper, we consider multi-objective optimization problems involving not necessarily convex constraints and componentwise generalized-convex (e.g., semi-strictly quasi-convex, quasi-convex, or explicitly quasi-convex) vector-valued objective functions that are acting between a real linear topological pre-image space and a finite dimensional image space. For these multi-objective optimization problems, we show that the set of (strictly, weakly) … Read more