Towards Simulation Based Mixed-Integer Optimization with Differential Equations

We propose a decomposition based method for solving mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems with “black-box” nonlinearities, where the latter, e.g., may arise due to differential equations or expensive simulation runs. The method alternatingly solves a mixed-integer linear master problem and a separation problem for iteratively refining the mixed-integer linear relaxation of the nonlinearity. We prove that … Read more

Analysis of transformations of linear random-effects models

Assume that a linear random-effects model (LRM) $\by = \bX \bbe + \bve = \bX\bbe+ \bve$ with $\bbe = \bA \bal + \bga$ is transformed as $\bT\by = \bT\bX\bbe + \bT\bve = \bT\bX\bA \bal + \bT\bX\bga + \bT\bve$ by pre-multiplying a given matrix $\bT$. Estimations/predictions of the unknown parameters under the two models are not … Read more

A new algebraic analysis to linear mixed models

This article presents a new investigation to the linear mixed model $\by = \bX \bbe + \bZ\bga + \bve$ with fixed effect $\bX\bbe$ and random effect $\bZ\bga$ under a general assumption via some novel algebraic tools in matrix theory, and reveals a variety of deep and profound properties hidden behind the linear mixed model. We … Read more

Approximate Versions of the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

We present three new approximate versions of alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), all of which require only knowledge of subgradients of the subproblem objectives, rather than bounds on the distance to the exact subproblem solution. One version, which applies only to certain common special cases, is based on combining the operator-splitting analysis of the … Read more

A survey on operator splitting and decomposition of convex programs

Many structured convex minimization problems can be modeled by the search of a zero of the sum of two monotone operators. Operator splitting methods have been designed to decompose and regularize at the same time these kind of models. We review here these models and the classical splitting methods. We focus on the numerical sensitivity … Read more

A data-driven, distribution-free, multivariate approach to the price-setting newsvendor problem

Many aspects of the classical price-setting newsvendor problem have been studied in the literature and most of the results pertain to the case where the price-demand relationship and demand distribution are explicitly provided. However, in practice, one needs to model and estimate these from historical sales data. Furthermore, many other drivers besides price must be … Read more

Extended Formulations for Independence Polytopes of Regular Matroids

We show that the independence polytope of every regular matroid has an extended formulation of size quadratic in the size of its ground set. This generalizes a similar statement for (co-)graphic matroids, which is a simple consequence of Martin’s extended formulation for the spanning-tree polytope. In our construction, we make use of Seymour’s decomposition theorem … Read more

A Proximal Multiplier Method for Convex Separable Symmetric Cone Optimization

This work is devoted to the study of a proximal decomposition algorithm for solving convex symmetric cone optimization with separable structures. The algorithm considered is based on the decomposition method proposed by Chen and Teboulle (1994), and the proximal generalized distance defined by Auslender and Teboulle (2006). Under suitable assumptions, first a class of proximal … Read more

Solving Bilevel Mixed Integer Program by Reformulations and Decomposition

In this paper, we study bilevel mixed integer programming (MIP) problem and present a novel computing scheme based on reformulations and decomposition strategy. By converting bilevel MIP into a constrained mathematical program, we present its single-level reformulations that are friendly to perform analysis and build insights. Then, we develop a decomposition algorithm based on column-and-constraint … Read more

Applying oracles of on-demand accuracy in two-stage stochastic programming – a computational study

Traditionally, two variants of the L-shaped method based on Benders’ decomposition principle are used to solve two-stage stochastic programming problems: the single-cut and the multi-cut version. The concept of an oracle with on-demand accuracy was originally proposed in the context of bundle methods for unconstrained convex optimzation to provide approximate function data and subgradients. In … Read more