Mixed-Integer Programming Techniques for the Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering Problem

The minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem is a very important problem in data mining and machine learning with very many applications in, e.g., medicine or social sciences. However, it is known to be NP-hard in all relevant cases and to be notoriously hard to be solved to global optimality in practice. In this paper, we develop … Read more

On a Computationally Ill-Behaved Bilevel Problem with a Continuous and Nonconvex Lower Level

It is well known that bilevel optimization problems are hard to solve both in theory and practice. In this paper, we highlight a further computational difficulty when it comes to solving bilevel problems with continuous but nonconvex lower levels. Even if the lower-level problem is solved to ɛ-feasibility regarding its nonlinear constraints for an arbitrarily … Read more

An oracle-based framework for robust combinatorial optimization

We propose a general solution approach for min-max-robust counterparts of combinatorial optimization problems with uncertain linear objectives. We focus on the discrete scenario case, but our approach can be extended to other types of uncertainty sets such as polytopes or ellipsoids. Concerning the underlying certain problem,the algorithm is entirely oracle-based, i.e., our approach only requires … Read more

Global optimization using random embeddings

We propose a random-subspace algorithmic framework for global optimization of Lipschitz-continuous objectives, and analyse its convergence using novel tools from conic integral geometry. X-REGO randomly projects, in a sequential or simultaneous manner, the high- dimensional original problem into low-dimensional subproblems that can then be solved with any global, or even local, optimization solver. We estimate … Read more

SDP-quality bounds via convex quadratic relaxations for global optimization of mixed-integer quadratic programs

We consider the global optimization of nonconvex mixed-integer quadratic programs with linear equality constraints. In particular, we present a new class of convex quadratic relaxations which are derived via quadratic cuts. To construct these quadratic cuts, we solve a separation problem involving a linear matrix inequality with a special structure that allows the use of … Read more

Penetration depth between two convex polyhedra: An efficient global optimization approach

During the detailed design phase of an aerospace program, one of the most important consistency checks is to ensure that no two distinct objects occupy the same physical space. Since exact geometrical modeling is usually intractable, geometry models are discretized, which often introduces small interferences not present in the fully detailed model. In this paper, … Read more

Beyond local optimality conditions: the case of maximizing a convex function

In this paper, we design an algorithm for maximizing a convex function over a convex feasible set. The algorithm consists of two phases: in phase 1 a feasible solution is obtained that is used as an initial starting point in phase 2. In the latter, a biconvex problem equivalent to the original problem is solved … Read more

Stochastic dual dynamic programming and its variants – a review

We provide a tutorial-type review on stochastic dual dynamic programming (SDDP), as one of the state-of-the-art solution methods for large-scale multistage stochastic programs. Since introduced about 30 years ago for solving large-scale multistage stochastic linear programming problems in energy planning, SDDP has been applied to practical problems from several fields and is enriched by various … Read more

An Exact Projection-Based Algorithm for Bilevel Mixed-Integer Problems with Nonlinearities

We propose an exact global solution method for bilevel mixed-integer optimization problems with lower-level integer variables and including nonlinear terms such as, \eg, products of upper-level and lower-level variables. Problems of this type are extremely challenging as a single-level reformulation suitable for off-the-shelf solvers is not available in general. In order to solve these problems … Read more

A Reformulation-Linearization Technique for Optimization over Simplices

We study non-convex optimization problems over simplices. We show that for a large class of objective functions, the convex approximation obtained from the Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT) admits optimal solutions that exhibit a sparsity pattern. This characteristic of the optimal solutions allows us to conclude that (i) a linear matrix inequality constraint, which is often added … Read more