Layered graph approaches for combinatorial optimization problems

Extending the concept of time-space networks, layered graphs associate information about one or multiple resource state values with nodes and arcs. While integer programming formulations based on them allow to model complex problems comparably easy, their large size makes them hard to solve for non-trivial instances. We detail and classify layered graph modeling techniques that … Read more

Can cut generating functions be good and efficient?

Making cut generating functions (CGFs) computationally viable is a central question in modern integer programming research. One would like to nd CGFs that are simultaneously good, i.e., there are good guarantees for the cutting planes they generate, and ecient, meaning that the values of the CGFs can be computed cheaply (with procedures that have some … Read more

Optimal Decision Trees for Categorical Data via Integer Programming

Decision trees have been a very popular class of predictive models for decades due to their interpretability and good performance on categorical features. However, they are not always robust and tend to overfit the data. Additionally, if allowed to grow large, they lose interpretability. In this paper, we present a novel mixed integer programming formulation … Read more

Optimal cutting planes from the group relaxations

We study quantitative criteria for evaluating the strength of valid inequalities for Gomory and Johnson’s finite and infinite group models and we describe the valid inequalities that are optimal for these criteria. We justify and focus on the criterion of maximizing the volume of the nonnegative orthant cut off by a valid inequality. For the … Read more

Approximation of Minimal Functions by Extreme Functions

In a recent paper, Basu, Hildebrand, and Molinaro established that the set of continuous minimal functions for the 1-dimensional Gomory-Johnson infinite group relaxation possesses a dense subset of extreme functions. The n-dimensional version of this result was left as an open question. In the present paper, we settle this query in the affirmative: for any … Read more

Lower bounds on the lattice-free rank for packing and covering integer programs

In this paper, we present lower bounds on the rank of the split closure, the multi-branch closure and the lattice-free closure for packing sets as a function of the integrality gap. We also provide a similar lower bound on the split rank of covering polyhedra. These results indicate that whenever the integrality gap is high, … Read more

A Criterion Space Search Algorithm for Biobjective Mixed Integer Programming: the Boxed Line Method

Despite recent interest in multiobjective integer programming, few algorithms exist for solving biobjective mixed integer programs. We present such an algorithm: the Boxed Line Method. For one of its variants, we prove that the number of single-objective integer programs solved is bounded by a linear function of the number of nondominated line segments in the … Read more

Exploiting sparsity for the min k-partition problem

The minimum k-partition problem is a challenging combinatorial problem with a diverse set of applications ranging from telecommunications to sports scheduling. It generalizes the max-cut problem and has been extensively studied since the late sixties. Strong integer formulations proposed in the literature suffer from a prohibitive number of valid inequalities and integer variables. In this … Read more

New solution approaches for the maximum-reliability stochastic network interdiction problem

We investigate methods to solve the maximum-reliability stochastic network interdiction problem (SNIP). In this problem, a defender interdicts arcs on a directed graph to minimize an attacker’s probability of undetected traversal through the network. The attacker’s origin and destination are unknown to the defender and assumed to be random. SNIP can be formulated as a … Read more

Nonconvex piecewise linear functions: Advanced formulations and simple modeling tools

We present novel mixed-integer programming (MIP) formulations for (nonconvex) piecewise linear functions. Leveraging recent advances in the systematic construction of MIP formulations for disjunctive sets, we derive new formulations for univariate functions using a geometric approach, and for bivariate functions using a combinatorial approach. All formulations derived are small (logarithmic in the number of piecewise … Read more