High-Probability Polynomial-Time Complexity of Restarted PDHG for Linear Programming

The restarted primal-dual hybrid gradient method (rPDHG) is a first-order method that has recently received significant attention for its computational effectiveness in solving linear program (LP) problems. Despite its impressive practical performance, the theoretical iteration bounds for rPDHG can be exponentially poor. To shrink this gap between theory and practice, we show that rPDHG achieves … Read more

Computing Counterfactual Explanations for Linear Optimization: A New Class of Bilevel Models and a Tailored Penalty Alternating Direction Method

Explainable artificial intelligence is one of the most important trends in modern machine-learning research. The idea is to explain the outcome of a model by presenting a certain change in the input of the model so that the outcome changes significantly. In this paper, we study this question for linear optimization problems as an automated … Read more

Accessible Theoretical Complexity of the Restarted Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Method for Linear Programs with Unique Optima

The restarted primal-dual hybrid gradient method (rPDHG) has recently emerged as an important tool for solving large-scale linear programs (LPs). For LPs with unique optima, we present an iteration bound of \(\widetilde{O}\left(\kappa\Phi\cdot\ln\left(\frac{\|w^*\|}{\varepsilon}\right)\right)\), where \(\varepsilon\) is the target tolerance, \(\kappa\) is the standard matrix condition number, \(\|w^*\|\) is the norm of the optimal solution, and \(\Phi\) … Read more

The Role of Level-Set Geometry on the Performance of PDHG for Conic Linear Optimization

We consider solving huge-scale instances of (convex) conic linear optimization problems, at the scale where matrix-factorization-free methods are attractive or necessary. The restarted primal-dual hybrid gradient method (rPDHG) — with heuristic enhancements and GPU implementation — has been very successful in solving huge-scale linear programming (LP) problems; however its application to more general conic convex … Read more

Counterfactual Explanations for Linear Optimization

The concept of counterfactual explanations (CE) has emerged as one of the important concepts to understand the inner workings of complex AI systems. In this paper, we translate the idea of CEs to linear optimization and propose, motivate, and analyze three different types of CEs: strong, weak, and relative. While deriving strong and weak CEs … Read more

Computational Guarantees for Restarted PDHG for LP based on “Limiting Error Ratios” and LP Sharpness

In recent years, there has been growing interest in solving linear optimization problems – or more simply “LP” – using first-order methods in order to avoid the costly matrix factorizations of traditional methods for huge-scale LP instances. The restarted primal-dual hybrid gradient method (PDHG) – together with some heuristic techniques – has emerged as a … Read more

On the Relation Between LP Sharpness and Limiting Error Ratio and Complexity Implications for Restarted PDHG

There has been a recent surge in development of first-order methods (FOMs) for solving huge-scale linear programming (LP) problems. The attractiveness of FOMs for LP stems in part from the fact that they avoid costly matrix factorization computation. However, the efficiency of FOMs is significantly influenced – both in theory and in practice – by … Read more

Efficient Use of Quantum Linear System Algorithms in Interior Point Methods for Linear Optimization

Quantum computing has attracted significant interest in the optimization community because it potentially can solve classes of optimization problems faster than conventional supercomputers. Several researchers proposed quantum computing methods, especially Quantum Interior Point Methods (QIPMs), to solve convex optimization problems, such as Linear Optimization, Semidefinite Optimization, and Second-order Cone Optimization problems. Most of them have … Read more