Lifted Inequalities for 0−1 Mixed-Integer Bilinear Covering Sets

In this paper, we study 0-1 mixed-integer bilinear covering sets. We derive several families of facet-defining inequalities via sequence-independent lifting techniques. We then show that these sets have polyhedral structures that are similar to those of certain fixed-charge single-node flow sets. As a result, we obtain new facet-defining inequalities for these sets that generalize well-known … Read more

Bound reduction using pairs of linear inequalities

We describe a procedure to reduce variable bounds in Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) as well as Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problems. The procedure works by combining pairs of inequalities of a linear programming (LP) relaxation of the problem. This bound reduction technique extends the implied bounds procedure used in MINLP and MILP and … Read more


We consider the problem of minimizing a continuously differentiable function of several variables subject to simple bound constraints where some of the variables are restricted to take integer values. We assume that the first order derivatives of the objective function can be neither calculated nor approximated explicitly. This class of mixed integer nonlinear optimization problems … Read more

Effective Separation of Disjunctive Cuts for Convex Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programs

We describe a computationally effective method for generating disjunctive inequalities for convex mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs). The method relies on solving a sequence of cut-generating linear programs, and in the limit will generate an inequality as strong as can be produced by the cut-generating nonlinear program suggested by Stubbs and Mehrotra. Using this procedure, we … Read more

Symmetry-exploiting cuts for a class of mixed-0/1 second order cone programs

We will analyze mixed 0/1 second order cone programs where the fractional and binary variables are solely coupled via the conic constraints. For this special type of mixed-integer second order cone programs we devise a cutting-plane framework based on the generalized Benders cut and an implicit Sherali-Adams reformulation. We show that the resulting cuts are … Read more

Combinatorial Integral Approximation

We are interested in structures and efficient methods for mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLP) that arise from a first discretize, then optimize approach to time-dependent mixed-integer optimal control problems (MIOCPs). In this study we focus on combinatorial constraints, in particular on restrictions on the number of switches on a fixed time grid. We propose a novel … Read more

Perspective Reformulation and Applications

In this paper we survey recent work on the perspective reformulation approach that generates tight, tractable relaxations for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs (MINLP)s. This preprocessing technique is applicable to cases where the MINLP contains binary indicator variables that force continuous decision variables to take the value 0, or to belong to a convex set. … Read more

Code verification by static analysis: a mathematical programming approach

Automatic verification of computer code is of paramount importance in embedded systems supplying essential services. One of the most important verification techniques is static code analysis by abstract interpretation: the concrete semantics of a programming language (i.e.the values $\chi$ that variable symbols {\tt x} appearing in a program can take during its execution) are replaced … Read more

Disjunctive cuts for non-convex MINLP

Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) problems present two main challenges: the integrality of a subset of variables and nonconvex (nonlinear) objective function and constraints. Many exact solvers for MINLP are branch-and-bound algorithms that compute a lower bound on the optimal solution using a linear programming relaxation of the original problem. In order to solve these … Read more

Nonlinear Integer Programming

Research efforts of the past fifty years have led to a development of linear integer programming as a mature discipline of mathematical optimization. Such a level of maturity has not been reached when one considers nonlinear systems subject to integrality requirements for the variables. This chapter is dedicated to this topic.  The primary goal is … Read more