Optimizing Diesel Fuel Supply Chain Operations for Hurricane Relief

Hurricanes can cause severe property damage and casualties in coastal regions. Diesel fuel plays a crucial role in hurricane disaster relief. It is important to optimize fuel supply chain operations so that emergency demand for diesel can be mitigated in a timely manner. However, it can be challenging to estimate demand for fuel and make … Read more

A Model of Supply-Chain Decisions for Resource Sharing with an Application to Ventilator Allocation to Combat COVID-19

We present a stochastic optimization model for allocating and sharing a critical resource in the case of a pandemic. The demand for different entities peaks at different times, and an initial inventory for a central agency is to be allocated. The entities (states) may share the critical resource with a different state under a risk-averse … Read more

On a class of stochastic programs with exponentially many scenarios

We consider a class of stochastic programs whose uncertain data has an exponential number of possible outcomes, where scenarios are affinely parametrized by the vertices of a tractable binary polytope. Under these conditions, we propose a novel formulation that introduces a modest number of additional variables and a class of inequalities that can be efficiently … Read more

Scenario generation using historical data paths

In this paper, we present a method for generating scenarios by selection from historical data. We start with two models for a univariate single-period case and then extend the better-performing one to the case of selecting sequences of multivariate data. We then test the method on data series for wind- and solar-power generation in Scandinavia. … Read more

Risk-Neutral and Risk-Averse Transmission Switching for Load Shed Recovery

Maintaining an uninterrupted supply of electricity is a fundamental goal of power systems operators. However, due to critical outage events, customer demand or load is at times disconnected or shed temporarily. While deterministic optimization models have been devised to help operators expedite load shed recovery by harnessing the flexibility of the grid’s topology (i.e., transmission … Read more

Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programs

We consider randomized QMC methods for approximating the expected recourse in two-stage stochastic optimization problems containing mixed-integer decisions in the second stage. It is known that the second-stage optimal value function is piecewise linear-quadratic with possible kinks and discontinuities at the boundaries of certain convex polyhedral sets. This structure is exploited to provide conditions implying … Read more

On sample average approximation for two-stage stochastic programs without relatively complete recourse

We investigate sample average approximation (SAA) for two-stage stochastic programs without relatively complete recourse, i.e., for problems in which there are first-stage feasible solutions that are not guaranteed to have a feasible recourse action. As a feasibility measure of the SAA solution, we consider the “recourse likelihood”, which is the probability that the solution has … Read more

Sample Average Approximation for Stochastic Nonconvex Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming via Outer Approximation

Stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) is a very challenging type of problem. Although there have been recent advances in developing decomposition algorithms to solve stochastic MINLPs, none of the existing algorithms can address stochastic MINLPs with continuous distributions. We propose a sample average approximation-based outer approximation algorithm (SAAOA) that can address nonconvex two-stage stochastic programs … Read more

Coupled Learning Enabled Stochastic Programming with Endogenous Uncertainty

Predictive analytics, empowered by machine learning, is usually followed by decision-making problems in prescriptive analytics. We extend the above sequential prediction-optimization paradigm to a coupled scheme such that the prediction model can guide the decision problem to produce coordinated decisions yielding higher levels of performance. Speci fically, for stochastic programming (SP) models with latently decision-dependent uncertainty, … Read more

Stochastic Optimization Models of Insurance Mathematics

The paper overviews stochastic optimization models of insurance mathematics and methods for their solution from the point of view of stochastic programming and stochastic optimal control methodology, with vector optimality criteria. The evolution of an insurance company’s capital is considered in discrete time. The main random variables, which influence this evolution, are levels of payments, … Read more